'A Day Without a Woman' protests across the U.S.

American women stayed home from work, zipped up their wallets, wore red and joined rallies across the country to demonstrate their economic clout Wednesday as part of International Women’s Day events around the globe.

The Day Without a Woman protest in the U.S. was put together by organizers of the vast women’s marches that were held coast-to-coast the day after President Donald Trump’s inauguration.

School districts including those in Prince George’s County, Maryland; Alexandria, Virginia; and Chapel Hill, North Carolina, canceled classes because so many teachers and other employees were expected to be out. In Providence, Rhode Island, the municipal court closed for lack of staff members.

Rallies were planned in New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Milwaukee, Washington and Berkeley, California. Some businesses and institutions said they would either close or give female employees the day off. (AP)

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