Donald Trump to get Tim Scott's endorsement, striking a blow to Nikki Haley

CONCORD, N.H. - Sen. Tim Scott endorsed former President Donald Trump for another four-year term Friday, a move that strikes at fellow South Carolinian Nikki Haley as she battles Trump in Tuesday's New Hampshire primary.

"We need Donald Trump!" Scott repeatedly told a crowd of supporters in Concord, citing issues ranging from illegal border crossings to tax cuts.

"Thank you, Tim," Trump responded. "That's great."

Trump allies have courted Scott heavily in the days since the Republican nomination frontrunner rolled up a big win in the Iowa caucuses.

Scott, a 2024 candidate himself before bowing out of the race in November, is considered a vice presidential possibility for Trump if he wins the GOP nomination.

Scott is expected to speak at a Trump rally Friday night in Concord, New Hampshire, and to campaign with the former president ahead of Tuesday's primary in Granite State.

Donald Trump
Donald Trump

Haley, campaigning in New Hampshire, appeared taken by surprise. Asked about news reports of Scott's endorsement of Trump, Haley said, "we'll wait and see if it happens," and then walked away.

Haley later criticized the political match-up, describing it as the move of a failed Republican establishment.

"Interesting that Trump’s lining up with all the Washington insiders when he claimed he wanted to drain the swamp," Haley said. "But the fellas are gonna do what the fellas are gonna do."

Scott's endorsement is a tough pill for Haley, who has been moving up in New Hampshire polls in her bid to topple Trump.

Trump held a lead of 13.5 percentage as of Friday afternoon, according to the average of recent polls compiled by the website Real Clear Politics.

Haley, the former South Carolina governor, announced the appointment of Scott to a vacant U.S. Senate seat in late 2012. The two were considered political allies for years, but their relationship suffered when both decided to seek the presidency in 2024.

The two engaged in a notably nasty argument during a Republican debate in September.

As Scott criticized Haley's record, the former governor taunted: "Bring it, Tim."

Trump, meanwhile, held off criticizing Scott during the campaign and praised the South Carolina senator after he withdrew from the race in November.

Trump has garnered endorsements from a number of Republican lawmakers in recent weeks and months. His support list includes South Carolina's other U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham.

Democrats, meanwhile, mocked Scott for endorsing Trump.

Alex Floyd, rapid response director for the Democratic National Committee, said it looks like Scott is trying to push his effort to ban abortion rights nationwide.

"No matter how many MAGA minions fall in line behind Trump, his extreme and dangerous anti-freedom vision is a losing agenda that voters will reject again this November," he said.

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Tim Scott to endorse Donald Trump ahead of New Hampshire primary