Don't compare today's Gaza protests at colleges with Vietnam-era demonstrations | Letters

I have to laugh when people draw parallels between today's entitled liberals taking over college campuses and the anti-Vietnam War protestors. Back then, the demonstrators literally took their lumps to stand up for what they believed in — rubber bullets (or worse), billy-clubs, tear gas, riot police and National Guard troops.

But today they are doing it only because it's "cool" and they can stream themselves on TikTok — knowing full well that police are afraid to act violently against them and that President Joe Biden is much too worried about alienating the far-left to call in the National Guard.

If these students actually had to hold their own without someone to shield them, it would be an entirely different story.

Al Gennari, Greenfield

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This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Protests at UW colleges aren't same as ones during Vietnam War era