You don't have to like Trump to see 'horrible' view supported by sad facts | Letters

I am not a huge fan of former President Donald Trump, but — as sad as it is — it seems his opinion of Milwaukee (“horrible”) can be supported by the facts (“Trump: Milwaukee ‘horrible,’” June 14).

Two teens in a carjacking-related vehicle shot while fleeing police (what are these kids thinking?), 16 cases of arson over a four-day span (“Police shoot two teens, ending one’s pregnancy, on Milwaukee highway after suspected carjackings,” June 20, and “Investigation underway in Milwaukee after 16 fires occur in less than three hours,” June 18).

What other adjective should be used to describe this anti-social behavior? While some places in our city are (still) fine, any honest person who has driven — and risked running the gauntlet of reckless drivers — on West Fond du Lac Ave. or North Teutonia Ave. would likely make the same assessment.

Roger Paulson, Milwaukee

Trump called Milwaukee 'horrible.' What a dig at those preparing for RNC.

What's really 'horrible': Democrats should use billboards to spotlight votes on women's rights

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This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Donald Trump's assessment of Milwaukee supported by recent facts