'Everything fits all': Sara Bajema wants to bring stability to District 11

OTTAWA COUNTY — Sara Bajema admits she's not a typical politician, but she is passionate about her community.

"I don't know that I'm going to be a normal politician," she said. "I'm just a mom that cares about making sure that our kids have a good place to grow up and learn and thrive."

Bajema, 48, is running as a Republican for Ottawa County's District 11, which includes Coopersville and the townships of Chester, Crockery, Polkton, Tallmadge and Wright.

District 11 is currently represented by Ottawa Impact Commissioner Allison Miedema, who is seeking re-election. Also running for the seat are Republican Dick Van Dop and Democrat Keith Courtade.

Sara Bajema is running as a Republican for the District 11 seat on the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners in 2024.
Sara Bajema is running as a Republican for the District 11 seat on the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners in 2024.

Ottawa Impact, a far-right fundamentalist group, formed in 2021 over frustrations with county and state COVID-19 mitigation measures. The group currently has a seven-seat controlling majority on the 11-member board and made a series of controversial decisions in 2023 that led to four ongoing lawsuits and a brief investigation from the state attorney general's office.

"I watched what was happening from the beginning with the group, and I saw what they were doing," Bajema said. "And I remember telling my neighbor, 'I don't know who this group is, but they're organized, they're put together, and that scares me a little bit — because I don't know what their agenda is.'"

She said the abrupt hiring and firing decisions made by OI commissioners has led to unnecessary lawsuits and increased costs for taxpayers.

"I think when you're looking at an elected office, and you're working with government affairs and things like that, there's other rules you have to play by and other things you have to follow," Bajema said. "What scares me is the way we are quickly firing people, how we're hiring people ... we're spending money, we're going into these lawsuits that seem to be a waste of taxpayer money — just to meet a certain agenda."

Bajema worked in the banking industry for 20 years before transitioning to commercial real estate. She said her finance background makes her hyperaware of policies and regulations.

Sara Bajema is running as a Republican for the District 11 seat on the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners in 2024.
Sara Bajema is running as a Republican for the District 11 seat on the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners in 2024.

"I think that the starting point for me would be: 'Are we doing things the way they need to be done? Are we still within our policy parameters? Are we not putting other things at risk?'"

Born in Germany to Army parents, Bajema said her family moved to West Michigan when she was three.

"My father is from Mexico, immigrated to the U.S. He became a citizen right before I was born. My parents taught me that it's good to have a difference of opinions because everybody focuses on different things.

"In my district, I have a very rural area. I work with a ton of farmers out here. We have a lot of people that are focused on very different things than, say, Grand Haven. Having different opinions is good, because it will allow us to make sure that we're covering everything that fits all."

The current majority, she said, doesn't work that way.

"It scares me that their ultimate agenda isn't looking out for the best of the county, but it's more self-serving," she said. "And I feel like if I don't run, I will regret it. I will regret not being able to help make a positive change."

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Dates to know

  • Tuesday, May 7: Special recall election for District 2

  • Tuesday, Aug. 6: Michigan primary election

  • Tuesday, Nov. 5: Michigan general election

— Sarah Leach is executive editor of The Holland Sentinel. Contact her at [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter @SentinelLeach.

This article originally appeared on The Holland Sentinel: 'Everything fits all': Sara Bajema wants to bring stability to District 11