FDA experts want to make Narcan, an overdose reversal drug, available over the counter

A Food and Drug Administration advisory committee today endorsed over-the-counter sales of the overdose reversal drug Narcan.

The recommendation would make the nasal spray used to counteract fentanyl and opioid overdoses more accessible to consumers who could buy the medication at stores without a prescription or pharmacist's recommendation. The FDA usually follows its advisory committee's recommendation but is not obligated to do so. The federal agency is expected to decide by March 29.

Why is retail Narcan important?

All states have standing orders that allow a person to get naloxone from a pharmacist without a doctor’s prescription, but consumers must approach a pharmacist and ask for the medication before purchasing.

Dr. Bobby Mukkamala, chair of the American Medical Association's substance use and pain care task force, said a retail version of the drug would make it easier for people to access.

“Making naloxone over the counter is a safe and vital step to ending the nation’s overdose epidemic," Mukkamala said. “Individuals should be able to pick up a package of naloxone without having to face the potential stigma or shame of having to ask for this life-saving medication."

When will the drug be available for purchase?

Emergent Biosolutions has not said how soon the drug might be available or how much it will cost if the FDA approves retail sales.

Narcan and its generic version, naloxone, is widely distributed by community organizations that seek to slow the nation's spiraling overdose epidemic. Community health departments, schools, police and fire departments often carry the drug.

More: More than 107,000 Americans died from overdoses last year. This drug is behind most deaths.

Earlier this week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated 106,840 overdose deaths over the 12-month period ending in September 2022. Most of these deaths are caused by illicitly manufactured fentanyl as well as street drugs methamphetamine, heroin and cocaine.

Dr. Rahul Gupta, director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, on Wednesday cited the use of naloxone as one factor that helped slow the number of overdose deaths. He said the drug was used by emergency medical service personnel on more than 393,000 calls over the 12-month period ending in September 2022

Ken Alltucker is on Twitter at @kalltucker, or can be emailed at [email protected]

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Narcan should be made available over the counter, FDA experts say