Florida school voucher applications already almost double last year. Here's what to know

Florida's school voucher program has exploded in popularity, with the state almost hitting its 20,000-student cap during its inaugural year, funding approximately 19,514 students.

The program, called the Personalized Education Program (PEP), is allowed to grow by 40,000 students each year, which means 60,000 students could receive vouchers in the 2024-2025 school year.

The News Service of Florida reported that 39,690 applications had already been submitted for the upcoming school year, and 31,991 of the 60,000 available vouchers had already been rewarded as of Thursday.

Here's what to know about Florida's school voucher program.

What is Florida's school voucher program?

Florida offers students between kindergarten and grade 12 a choice in their education. Whether they want to attend a private school, charter school, magnet school, home schooling or attend public school, Florida families have options.

To help families achieve their goals, Florida offers four private school choice programs, an education savings account, one voucher and two tax-credit scholarships.

The Personalized Education Program gives students up to $7,700 that can be used for private school tuition and other education expenses like private tutoring, college classes and more.

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How much money do Florida school vouchers award?

Florida's school voucher program averages around $7,700 per student per school year, but the actual amount depends on the county and the grade.

In Escambia County, students in grades K-3 can receive $7,999, grades 4-8 can receive $7,372 and grades 9-12 can receive $7,310.

In Santa Rosa County, students in grades K-3 can receive $7,901, grades 4-8 can receive $7,274 and grades 9-12 can receive $7,212.

You can see how much money is awarded by county here.

What are Florida's school vouchers used for?

Personalized Education Program money is provided to students through education savings accounts. The money from these accounts can be used for private school tuition, instructional materials, virtual education courses, tutoring and contracted services at public schools.

Here is a full list:

  • Instructional material

  • Curriculum

  • A virtual program approved by the Florida Department of Education

  • Fees for services provided by a Choice Navigator

  • Contracted services provided by a public school or school district, including classes

  • Tuition for an eligible home education instruction program

  • Fees for nationally standardized norm-referenced tests and other assessments

  • Tuition and fees for private tutoring programs

  • Tuition as a private pay student at Florida Virtual School

  • Education at an eligible postsecondary educational institution or approved apprenticeship program

  • Digital materials exclusive of digital services, such as a laptop

Do all Florida private schools accept vouchers?

No, not all private schools will accept school vouchers.

Who qualifies for the Florida school voucher program?

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis expanded Florida's school voucher program and removed the previous requirements. Now all K-12 students are eligible to apply to the program.

DeSantis has stated that priority should be given to students whose "household income does not exceed 185% of the federal poverty level" and anyone in foster care.

Florida Personalized Education Program requirements

While everyone is eligible to apply for the PEP, there are requirements that everyone must meet. Here are the program requirements, according to Step Up For Students:

  • Declare a grade level, which is used to determine student eligibility and scholarship values.

  • Submit and maintain a Student Learning Plan (SLP) annually. Parents develop this customized learning plan to guide instruction for their students and address the services needed to fulfill their child's academic needs. It does not determine what a parent can purchase with scholarship funds.

  • Withdraw as a full-time public or private school student or terminate a home education program with their school district and enroll as a PEP student with Step Up For Students.

  • Take a norm-referenced test annually, and submit the results to the SFO. Parents of PEP students may choose from the same list of assessments that are approved for other scholarship students attending participating private schools. Alternatively, parents/guardians may arrange with their school district of residence to have your student take Florida's statewide assessments given to public school students. These assessments must be taken at a scheduled date and time and at school site designated by the district. If you would like your student to take a statewide assessment, these are the available assessments* (all administered in May 2024):

    • Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST) for Grades 3–10 Reading and Grades 3–8 Mathematics

    • Science for Grades 5 and 8

    • End-of-Course assessments for Algebra 1, Biology 1, Civics, Geometry, and U.S. History

Deadlines for statewide testing varies by school district, so be sure to contact your district for specific details.

How to apply for Florida school vouchers?

You can apply for the Florida PEP by visiting the Step Up For Students website and applying online here.

This article originally appeared on Pensacola News Journal: Florida school voucher applications already almost double last year