Former federal Judge Luttig says Rep. Cheney will end Trump's political career — he won't end hers

Former federal Judge J. Michael Luttig joins Yahoo News’ “Skullduggery” podcast to discuss the ending to the Jan. 6 House committee’s investigation, saying, “The poetic justice of these historic hearings is that the [former] president set out to destroy the January 6th committee and the political careers of its members.” Luttig added, “It will have been Liz Cheney who ended Donald Trump’s political career, not him [ending] hers.”

Video Transcript

DANIEL KLAIDMAN: You are close to Liz Cheney, who served as vice chair of the select committee. She has stated repeatedly that, if not her only objective, one of her main objectives was to make sure that Donald Trump never occupied the Oval Office again.

Here we are in late December of 2022. He has run-- announced that he's running for president. Most experts think he still controls something like 30%, if not a little bit more, of the Republican electorate. If a number of Republicans run, he has a good chance of becoming the Republican nominee again because they will divide up the vote. And we're a very divided country, and it's not outside the realm of the possible that he could become elected president again.

So taking it forward, you have already done a lot, but what-- do you plan to do more? What else will you do to make sure that Donald Trump can no longer be, in your words, a clear and present danger to American democracy?

J. MICHAEL LUTTIG: [INAUDIBLE] The poetic justice of these historic hearings is that the president set out to destroy the January 6 committee and the political careers of its members, and it's the committee that will end the political career of the former president.

As to Liz Cheney, [INAUDIBLE]. It will have been Liz Cheney who ended Donald Trump's political career, not him hers.