Guns and crowds are a dangerous mix. Milwaukee will have both for convention. | Letters

The article on June 2, “City: Guns allowed in RNC security footprint,” highlights the safety inequities that arise from Wisconsin being a pre-emptive state with respect to gun control, meaning no municipalities can have gun control statutes stricter than the state laws.

The U.S. Secret Service will have control of a “hard perimeter” during the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, likely to include the main venue buildings. They will not allow any weapons within that hard perimeter except for those carried by working law enforcement. The Secret Service knows it’s safest to have no guns present.

There’s a surrounding “security footprint” where the public and demonstrators will have access during the convention, and the city will restrict glass containers and other items, but they are unable to restrict guns due to state law. Republicans want the hard perimeter expanded with protest speakers moved farther away to avoid conflict. What they really want to protect their own safety is no guns allowed in the surrounding area, because right now anybody within the footprint is automatically in a less safe area.

James Causey: Allowing guns into the Republican National Convention security zone is worrying

Milwaukee canceled July 3 fireworks. Readers are sad, disappointed and angry.

This is the reality of our Republican legislators’ gun policies which are effectively pro-gun violence. Guns and crowds are a dangerous mix.

Heidi Hallett, Oconomowoc

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This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Republican National Convention security area won't be safe with guns