Hillary Clinton Becomes First Woman Presidential Nominee From Major Party

Hillary Clinton Becomes First Woman Presidential Nominee From Major Party

Hillary Clinton was named the Democratic nominee for president on Tuesday, making her the first woman to represent a major political party in an election for America’s highest office.

The former first lady and secretary of state reached the 2,382 delegates needed to officially clinch the nomination when the delegation from South Dakota put her over the top during the state roll call at the Democratic Convention in Philadelphia.

Bernie Sanders supporters went wild inside the Wells Fargo Center when interim chairwoman Donna Brazile announced the speeches prior to the roll call vote, but it was the Clinton show once they settled down. Both Clinton and former presidential candidate Bernie Sanders were placed into nomination at the convention, essentially a symbolic gesture for the Vermont senator’s supporters.

Also Read: Philly Feels the Bern: Like It or Not, Bernie Sanders Supports Hillary Clinton

During last week’s Republican National Convention in Cleveland, the GOP arranged its state roll call vote so that Donald Trump’s home state of New York, represented by his children, put the real estate developer over the magic number necessary for nomination. The Democrats didn’t create as much fanfare for their process, with many inside the convention hall unaware that Clinton clinched when she did.

Clinton delivered a victory speech back in June after winning the New Jersey primary, telling supporters, “We’re all standing under a glass ceiling right now, but don’t worry — we’re not smashing this one. Thanks to you, we’ve reached a milestone.”

The crowd chanted “Hillary, Hillary” after New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced he was awarding the majority of his state’s delegates to Clinton. Most state representatives went through the standard procedure of mentioning things that highlight their respective state, such as college football programs and famous citizens, before announcing their delegate totals.

Also Read: Democratic Convention Speeches Ranked From Worst to Best ... So Far (Videos)

Clinton is scheduled to formally accept the nomination on Thursday night at the Democratic Convention.

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