Who is and isn't on the August primary ballot

In Michigan’s Aug. 6 primary election, voters must choose which party's candidates to vote for, but they can't revisit their presidential choices.

The presidential primaries were held in February. President Joe Biden won the Democratic primary and former President Donald Trump won the Republican race.

With Biden’s decision to leave the race, his replacement will be chosen through another process. Based on its presidential primary results Michigan had 115 delegates slated to support Biden at the Democratic National Convention. Those delegates are free agents now, and will be part of a process that ultimately picks the party's nominee.

Here are some frequently asked questions about the August election.

Q: Who’s on the ballot?

A: Candidates for U.S. Senate, U.S. House and Michigan House of Representatives. In some places, voters will select county-level officers like sheriffs, treasurers and clerks. Some city, village or township offices may also appear on the ballot as well as questions like bond issues.

The Free Press has a primary voter guide to contested primary races for the U.S. Senate, U.S. House, metro Detroit state House districts and some metro Detroit county offices here.

Q: Can I split my ticket?

A: No. This is a partisan primary. You must select the ballot of one party and vote for candidates in that party who are competing against other candidates from the same party.

Q: When is the deadline to register to vote?

A: The deadline for online registration for the primary has passed. Michigan does have same-day voter registration allowing voters to register in person at their local clerk’s office through Election Day.

Q: How do I register?

A: You fill out an application. Typically that can be done online, in person at clerk’s office, secretary of state office and other government offices or by mail. But since we're fewer than 15 days before the election, you'll have to do it in person by the end of Election Day for the August primary.

Q: Who is eligible to vote in Michigan?

A: U.S. citizens who are Michigan residents, 18 years or older, and who are not currently serving a jail or prison sentence.

Q: When is the election?

A: The primary takes place on Tuesday, Aug. 6, 2024, and voting lasts from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. (you can vote if you are in line by 8 p.m.) You can find your polling place here.

Michigan clerks now offer early voting as well, starting at least nine days before an election. Find those locations here.

Contact John Wisely: [email protected] or on X @jwisely.

This article originally appeared on Detroit Free Press: Michigan August primary ballot choices