J.D. Vance’s RNC Speech Was a Total Bore. It May Have Been by Design.

Senator J.D. Vance’s speech at the Republican National Convention Wednesday night thoroughly underwhelmed the viewing audience, including Donald Trump.

The newly anointed vice presidential nominee reportedly bored the convention audience in Milwaukee, with his small fist pumps and stories about rural Appalachia failing to win over a friendly crowd. Trump even appeared to be dozing off at times.

The speech didn’t receive much praise outside of die-hard MAGA Republicans on social media, with the consensus being that it was dull and fell flat.

Twitter screenshot Jon Lovett @jonlovett Expected and worried about a much stronger speech from Vance 11:22 PM · Jul 17, 2024 · 90.2K Views
Twitter screenshot Jon Lovett @jonlovett Expected and worried about a much stronger speech from Vance 11:22 PM · Jul 17, 2024 · 90.2K Views
Twitter Screenshot Christopher Hooks @cd_hooks vance speech weak, delivered poorly. meemaw tapping her fingers in heaven. 11:04 PM · Jul 17, 2024 · 4,818 Views
Twitter Screenshot Christopher Hooks @cd_hooks vance speech weak, delivered poorly. meemaw tapping her fingers in heaven. 11:04 PM · Jul 17, 2024 · 4,818 Views

But that may have been by design, according to one observer, as Trump never likes to be overshadowed or have too much attention taken away from him.

Twitter screenshot Bill Kristol @BillKristol Vance’s speech falling flat. But I imagine Trump’s people insisted it be flat. No competition for the Big Guy. 11:20 PM · Jul 17, 2024 · 69.8K Views
Twitter screenshot Bill Kristol @BillKristol Vance’s speech falling flat. But I imagine Trump’s people insisted it be flat. No competition for the Big Guy. 11:20 PM · Jul 17, 2024 · 69.8K Views

And Trump may not have chosen Vance for his speaking skills but rather for his connections to right-wing Silicon Valley bigwigs like Peter Thiel and David Sacks.

Twitter screenshot Sam Seder @SamSeder This Vance speech sucks- doesn't matter though- he's just a bag man. The tech bro facist crew will shower Trump with hundreds of millions of dollars and that's what Trump needed. 11:22 PM · Jul 17, 2024 · 20.7K Views
Twitter screenshot Sam Seder @SamSeder This Vance speech sucks- doesn't matter though- he's just a bag man. The tech bro facist crew will shower Trump with hundreds of millions of dollars and that's what Trump needed. 11:22 PM · Jul 17, 2024 · 20.7K Views

Watch the full speech below to see for yourself.