‘Jackpot’ movie inspired by martial arts icon Jackie Chan

STORY: :: New action movie 'Jackpot’ is inspired by the late martial arts icon Jackie Chan

:: MGM Amazon Studios

:: Paul Feig, Director

:: Los Angeles, California

:: July 30, 2024

:: "I mean, to me, this is just the lost Jackie Chan movie. You know, it's him. His characters are always classically somebody who didn't want to be in their situation, in over their head, trying to get out of it, not being aggressive, just trying to fight their way out of something. And that just checked every box for me. And then his movies are really funny too but they also have danger and heart and so there it was."

:: MGM Amazon Studios

:: John Cena, Actor

:: Atlanta, Georgia

:: "The action in 'Jackpot!' was a lot of the skills that I can offer a co-ordinator. // This one was throwing big haymakers and tossing people around and a lot of the stuff I do on WWE as well as a lot of stunt driving which I love driving too so a lot of the things that they asked to do were well within the realms that I can do in a safe manner and make sure that everyone was ok, so I was able to participate in this more than usual."

:: Awkwafina, Actor

:: "I loved working with John Cena. He's really one of the most professional guys I've ever worked with. He is very intelligent, impressive, an excellent scene partner. He's very, very funny."

The movie arrives in U.S. theaters on Thursday (August 15).