Jefferson Twp. man arrested for resisting, counterfeit stickers

DICKSON CITY, LACKAWANNA COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU) — A Jefferson Township man was stopped for counterfeit inspection stickers and was arrested for resisting arrest.

According to the affidavit, Eric William Smith, 45, of Jefferson Township, was originally pulled over on July 14 on the Scranton Carbondale Highway for what Dickson City police believed were counterfeit inspection and emission stickers.

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The officer stated that Smith was aggressive and stated he was driving the passenger’s car.

According to the officer, he then removed the stickers from the window which showed both stickers were the wrong color and texture, and the detail was different from normal stickers.

Smith was allegedly told to stand at the rear of the car and Smith admitted he owes child support.

The affidavit states that Smith has an active domestic relation warrant and a suspended driver’s license.

When the officer told Smith to place his hands behind his back, Smith allegedly yelled “no” and started running towards the Viewmont Mall.

The report says the officer tased Smith who continued to run and jumped over a concrete barrier. Smith was then found unconscious.

Emergency medical personnel were called to the scene to assist Smith. But when Smith gained consciousness, he allegedly started to resist arrest again. Smith was treated by the paramedics.

Smith is being held at Lackawanna County Prison and was unable to post $20,000 bail.

Smith’s preliminary hearing is set for July 24 at 11:00 a.m. with District Judge George E. Seig.

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