Joe Biden Stumps For Giannoulias, Seals In Chicago

Joe Biden will be in Chicago Monday campaigning for Democratic Senate candidate Alexi Giannoulias and Democrat Dan Seals, running for the open 10th district House seat.
Following a morning trip to Michigan, where he will discuss the Recovery Act, he will headline two fundraisers at the Union League Club in Chicago, the Chicago Sun-Times' Lynn Sweet reports.
"We are looking forward to Vice President Biden's trip to Illinois and are grateful to have his support," Alexi for Illinois campaign manager Michael Rendina said in a statement last week. "There is so much at stake in this election and voters are seeing more and more every day that the choice between Congressman Mark Kirk and Alexi Giannoulias is one between a failed past and a promising future."
Last week, the White House sent more support to Illinois for Giannoulias. Education Secretary (and former Chicago Public Schools chief) Arne Duncan was in town on Thursday, and former Obama campaign manager David Plouffe is expected next week.
"Biden's coming signifies to the Democratic donor community that Giannoulias is worth investing in his contest against GOP nominee Rep. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) badly wounded in recent weeks with stories about his embellishments about his career as a Navy reserve officer," Sweet writes.
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Seals is seeking the 10th congressional seat left vacant when Republican Mark Kirk decided to run for Senate against Giannoulias, the Chicago Tribune reports.
Biden will do a meet-and-greet with Giannoulias supporters after the 2 p.m. fundraiser.
This article originally appeared on HuffPost.