Kamala Harris should choose a Republican for vice president

My heart sinks for Joe Biden, knowing that his dream of becoming president was his life’s goal, only to have it ripped from him, for valid reasons or not. He thoroughly has my respect for setting aside his personal ambitions for the good of the country and all its inhabitants.

Kamala Harris is, for now, the Democratic presidential nominee facing Donald Trump. So, the question now turns to who will be her pick for vice president.

There are, apparently, many Democratic pinch hitters in the dugout, some I would’ve never given a second thought to, but who have somehow entered the game. Given the divisiveness our country finds itself in, I hazard to suggest a maverick, per se, to help heal the divide and build a unified country.

My pick for vice president would be Mitt Romney.Romney is a Republican. I know that, and that’s the point.

Erika Jackson, Mesa

GOP will grow kinder? Yeah, right

The Republicans’ responses to Biden dropping out have been cruel, hateful and ugly. Is the media still wondering if they are going to take a softer, more civilized approach, or can we put that BS to rest?

Joseph Zanzucchi, Phoenix

Harris would be great for Arizona

If Kamala Harris is elected for president, Arizona could face significant changes in abortion and education for the better.

Having a Democrat as president will hopefully secure women’s rights from sliding any further down the drain. In Arizona, the current law allows abortion up to 15 weeks. Arizona is teetering between an all or nothing stance.

As of right now, a full ban was only narrowly avoided: “On May 2, 2024, H.B. 2677 was signed into law, repealing the 1864 near-total abortion ban. This repeal will take effect on September 14, 2024,” according to the Arizona secretary of state.

It’s also no secret that Arizona ranks 37th in education, slowly improving despite low teacher salaries and difficult students after COVID-19’s two-year gap in their education. When Harris ran for president four years ago, she wanted free preschool and college, with a $13,500 raise for every teacher.

Kamala Harris could make history as the first woman president. Now is the time for education professionals, students and women to have someone represent their interests.

Megan Keenan, Phoenix

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This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: Kamala Harris could heal our divide, choose Mitt Romney for VP