The Greek myths explored in Netflix's KAOS

The new series stars Jeff Goldblum as Zeus, the King of the Gods

Janet McTeer as Hera, Jeff Goldblum as Zeus in KAOS. (Netflix)
Janet McTeer as Hera, Jeff Goldblum as Zeus in KAOS. (Netflix)

KAOS brings the Greek myths to life in exciting new ways for Netflix, giving the classic tales of gods, heroes and monsters a modern twist.

The Netflix drama sees the Zeus and the gods of Olympus clamour to retain control of the human realm as they began to rise against them. Over the course of the narrative several characters come into the spotlight, all of whom have their own respective tale in Greek mythology.

For those curious about the origins of the characters and the Greek myths that KAOS is inspired by, look no further.

KAOS (Netflix)
Aurora Perrineau and Killian Scott as Riddy and Orpheus in KAOS. (Netflix)

KAOS revolves largely around Riddy (Aurora Perrineau), aka Eurydice. The character is well known for her place in the Greek pantheon alongside Orpheus, and the deeply moving tragedy that is their myth.

Orpheus is a famed musician, poet and prophet in Greek mythology, he is a favourite of the Gods and when his beloved wife Eurydice dies he descends into the underworld to save her. There, Orpheus uses his music to implore Hades, the god of the underworld, to let Eurydice return to the world of the living.

Hades agrees, but with one caveat — Orpheus must walk ahead of Eurydice at all times and at no point can he look back on her until they are both safely out of the underworld. The musician agrees, and travels through the underworld with Eurydice behind him, even as he questions his faith that she is following he forces himself not to turn back.

When Orpheus is safely out of the underworld he turns to his lover, however it is revealed that Eurydice is not yet fully in the land of the living and so she is sent straight back to the underworld forever — thus making their story a tragedy.

Will KAOS see Orpheus make the same mistake again? Viewers will have to tune in to find out.

KAOS (Netflix)
KAOS sees Jeff Goldblum play the King of the Gods himself, Zeus. (Netflix)

Jeff Goldblum takes on the role of Zeus, the King of the Gods, in KAOS. The series explores much of Zeus's story, including his link to the Titans, including Prometheus who Zeus condemned to an eternity of torment for stealing fire and giving it as a gift to humans.

The series also explores Zeus's tendency to have lovers far and wide, both human and God, which led to the emergence of several demi-Gods such as Dionysus. In Greek mythology Zeus fathered many members of the Greek pantheon including, and not limited to, Apollo, Artemis, Persephone, Heracles, Perseus, and even Helen of Troy.

KAOS (Netflix)
Misia Butler portrays Caeneus in KAOS. (Netflix)

Another hero that the TV series introduces is Caeneus, played by Misia Butler, who in Greek mythology is one of the first examples of a transgender man. The character was born a girl but after being raped by Poseidon is transformed into an "invulnerable man" who was stronger than any other.

KAOS continues to portray Caeneus as a transgender man, but revises his origins to be different to the sexually violent nature of the original Greek myth. Instead Caeneus is an Amazon who realises his trans identity as a child, and who meets Riddy in the underworld during the series.

KAOS (Netflix)
David Thewlis as Hades and Rakie Ayola as Persephone in KAOS. (Netflix)

One of the most famous Greek myths is that of Hades and Persephone, which has been retold time and again in different mediums. Hades is the king of the underworld and is the brother of Zeus and Poseidon, and he falls in love with Persephone.

In the Greek myths it is told that Persephone did not accept Hades' advances and so was kidnapped by the God while picking flowers and taken to the underworld, as a result Demeter, Persephone's mother, cast a curse on the land that made it become barren and turn to winter until her return.

Hades agrees to let Persephone go back to the human realm but because she ate the food of the dead, and was bound to the God of the underworld by eating a pomegranate seed, she must always return to him. She does so every year for one third of the year, thus representing the changing of the seasons.

KAOS (Netflix)
Leila Farzad as Ari in KAOS. (Netflix)

Another hero to appear in KAOS is Ariadne, named Ari in the show and played by Leila Farzad. Ariadne was the daughter of King Minos in Greek mythology, as she is in the series, who helped the hero Theseus on his quest to slay the Minotaur and escape the Labyrinth in which it dwelt.

In the myth, Ariadne is abandoned by Theseus on the island of Naxos, and during her isolation there the god Dionysus comes upon her and immediately falls in love. The god of fertility, wine-making and general festivity goes on to marry Ariadne.

KAOS (Netflix)
KAOS sees Nabhaan Rizwan portray Dionysus. (Netflix)

Speaking of Dionysus, the character is brought to life on the show by Nabhaan Rizwan. Dionysus is depicted as a demi-God in the show, and the son of Zeus, who continues to be the God of ecstasy, fertility, and wine-making in the series.

The character helps Orpheus in his quest to get Riddy back from the underworld, a change from the original myth which saw the musician be guided to the gates of the land of the dead by nymphs. Whether Dionysus and Ariadne's story remains the same as the aforementioned Greek myth is to be seen.

KAOS (Netflix)
Billie Piper stars in KAOS as Cassandra. (Netflix)

There are many famous faces in KAOS and one of them is Billie Piper, who takes on the role of Cassandra. The character is famous in Greek mythology as a Trojan priestess who is dedicated to the God Apollo, and who is able to reveal true prophecies but is cursed to never be believed.

In mythology Cassandra forewarned the fall of Troy at the hands of the Greeks. Much like the character she is based on, Piper's Cassandra is not believed by those she warns — including Riddy.

KAOS premieres on Netflix on Thursday, 29 August.