Kleinjans kicks off recall, general election campaigns for county commission

District 2 candidate Chris Kleinjans, a Democrat, launched his formal campaign for the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners on Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2024.
District 2 candidate Chris Kleinjans, a Democrat, launched his formal campaign for the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners on Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2024.

HOLLAND TWP. — Chris Kleinjans formally kicked off his campaign for a seat on the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners on Tuesday night, Jan. 23, at Hopland Brewstillery.

The Democrat, who is running against Ottawa Impact Republican incumbent Lucy Ebel in a special District 2 recall election May 7, said he's also running in the November general election — and that he's committed to bringing change to the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners.

"Less than 365 days ago, a lot of us met across town to discuss what we were going to do about that new board of commissioners," Kleinjans told a packed room of supporters. "It's been an eventful year, to say the least. Although to tell you the truth, sometimes it's felt like it's been a week. Sometimes it's felt like it's been two or three decades."

The Ottawa Impact controlling majority on the board has made headlines locally and nationally for several controversial decisions made in 2023. Those decisions have resulted in four ongoing lawsuits against the county, an investigation from the state attorney general's office and deep funding cuts to the county's health department.

More: Meet the Democrat running against Lucy Ebel in the May recall election

More: Ottawa Impact Commissioner Lucy Ebel to face special recall election in May

Kleinjans said he didn't like what he saw and that he was inspired by citizens who spoke out against Ottawa Impact's policies and decisions.

"I have been inspired by the strength, the focus, the bravery and the sheer stubbornness of citizens of this county who want to return to stable government that works on behalf of all of us," he told supporters. "I'm standing here today launching my campaign because of you. Tonight is the night when we take the first step down the road that leads us forward past Ottawa Impact to restore governance for the common good for the people of the second district."

Kleinjans will first face Ebel in the May recall election, which the Ottawa County Clerk's Office announced in November after a nearly 5-month-long recall process. The winner will represent District 2, consisting of parts of Holland and Park townships, for the remainder of 2024.

"We look forward to everyone who calls this county home having an equal shot of creating and achieving their definition of happiness and success," Kleinjans said Tuesday. "Whether someone wants to start a small business wants to see their child be the first in the family to go to college or just wants their kids to live close enough so that they can take the grandkids to the state park anytime they want to, helping them achieve that is worthwhile, in my humble opinion."

Kleinjans said he "looks forward to ways to ... put some civility and discretion back into our conversations about local issues."

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He said he admires the work of non-OI Commissioners Roger Bergman and Jacob Bonnema, both Republicans, as well as fellow Democrat Doug Zylstra.

"They've been putting in the work, my friends, and they could use another voice — and maybe a few more in November."

— Sarah Leach is executive editor of The Holland Sentinel. Contact her at [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter @SentinelLeach.

This article originally appeared on The Holland Sentinel: Kleinjans kicks off recall, general campaigns for county commission