Letters: Infrastructure and flooding in Okoboji

Infrastructure and flooding in Okoboji

Arnold Garson in an editorial about the flooding at Okoboji points out that Okoboji's flooding problem would be reduced if the bridge over 230th Ave by Milford Creek was bigger.

If you agree that more infrastructure would reduce flooding, be sure to vote against Representative Randy Feenstra who once again blocked improved infrastructure in the 4th district by refusing to earmark improvements, costing District 4 millions in improvements. District 4 is taxed for earmarks, but all our money goes for infrastructure earmarks in Districts 1, 2, and 3.

He didn't even vote for the bipartisan Infrastructure Improvement and Jobs Act.

Kristy Hibbs Burr


Comparing today's political climate to a 50-year-old song

Shakespeare wrote, “In nature there’s no blemish but the mind, none can be called deformed but the unkind.” I do not hate Donald Trump the man. I pity him for his life’s experiences that resulted in him being so cruel, so unkind. Donald Trump the President, is another matter altogether. The damage he has done to America can be repaired, but he must not be allowed a second term.

Lyrics from a song written by Laura Nyro some 50 years ago seem to capture my current feelings of America these last few years:

“I watch my country as it diesIn war and pain before my eyesI walk the streets where disrespect has beenThe sins of politics, the politics of sinThe heartlessness that darkens my soulOn Christmas”

I love my country, but fear its potential shall perish for want of a few of our elected officials to set the examples of country before party and compassion for all, ahead of capitalist greed and narcissism. I am haunted by Laura Nyro’s lyrics. I know not what it will take to stir us to action. Americans do not lack courage or decency. I believe Laura Nyro speaks to all Americans of good conscience, regardless of their political affiliations, when she sings, “I know it ain’t easy, but we’re gonna look for a better day”


I wrote the above letter prior to the 2020 election and felt a sense of relief when Trump lost that election. I find it unbelievable that we are back here 4 years later. Given Trump’s utter lack of character, how can anyone seriously support him? Fear, greed, and self-interest come to mind. I can appreciate conservative views, but the ends do not justify the means.

Jerry McKim

Nevada, Iowa

This article originally appeared on Ames Tribune: Letters: Infrastructure and flooding in Okoboji