Michael Che finds a hilariously mean way to prank Colin Jost on April Fools' Day

Michael Che got some extra laughs on "Saturday Night Live" this weekend, finding a hilariously cruel way to prank Colin Jost on April Fools' Day.

During the comedic pair's classic "Weekend Update" segment, they both joked about the recent indictment of former President Donald Trump, but Jost seemed to get far less laughs than Che.

A couple minutes into the bit, Jost even made a crack at his own expense, saying, "At this point it feels like even pro-Trump people have moved on," he said, referring to the trial. "I mean I went down to the courthouse today and I was the only protester there."

An image then showed a superimposed Jost in front of the courthouse in a red "Make America Great Again" hat and a sign that read, "LET OUR BOY GO!"

Amid limited chuckles in response to Jost's bit, one audience member shouts, "You stink!" to which the anchor then laughs and drops his head into his hand.

Snickering beside him, Che says, "I told them not to laugh at you for April Fools.'" Then the two both totally lose it.

"I was truly like, 'Am I not mic'd?' And then I was like, 'Oh, I just suck," Jost joked.

When Che starts to move on to his next few lines, Jost shouts at him, "You're evil!" As they shift over to Jost's next joke, Che encourages him this time, saying, "No, they'll probably laugh at this next one."

Still unable to hold back laughter, Jost says to Che, "That's the meanest thing you've ever done to me. I'm covered in sweat."

Colin Jost keeling over in laughter after being pranked by Michael Che. (Saturday Night Live)
Colin Jost keeling over in laughter after being pranked by Michael Che. (Saturday Night Live)

Finally, the audience erupts in a roaring applause and Jost immediately shuts it down. "No, no! Don't even dare! Don't you even dare try now."

On social media, "SNL" fans couldn't get enough of the Che's prank, either.

"'Was I not mic’d?! I thought I sucked!' OML this April fools joke Michael Che did to Colin Jost sent me," one Twitter user wrote with the crying and laughing emojis.

"Okay, I *hate* April Fools' pranks, but Michael Che got Colin Jost so perfectly that I can’t stop laughing," another wrote with a laughing emoji. "But, yeah, it WAS mean."

A Twitter user also wrote, "Michael Che‘s audience prank on Colin Jost during tonight’s Weekend Update may be the funniest thing to happen between these two on the segment. Too funny."

This article was originally published on TODAY.com