The Most Genius Kitchen Holiday Hack Is Ruining Your Cookie Cutter in the Name of Baby Yoda
You may not be able to get your hands on Baby Yoda toys until next year, but with this genius kitchen hack, you can at least incorporate the little green guy into the treat portion of your holiday celebrations.
Thanks to Instagram user Katy Atakturk, we now know it’s possible to make nearly perfect Baby Yoda cookies by chopping off the head of an angel-shaped cookie cutter. Atakturk shared the out-of-this-galaxy tip online on Dec. 12, but it didn’t go viral until her photos were tweeted out by Twitter user J.R. McGrail on Sunday. As of Monday morning, his tweet has been liked over 43,000 times and retweeted over 8,000.
The steps for creating a shockingly accurate cookie dough rendering of the Child, as Disney calls the baby of Yoda’s species that quickly became the breakout star of the Star Wars series The Mandalorian, are simple: Cut the head off of your angel cookie cutter, cut your cookies, bake and decorate!
With the addition of some green, brown and white icing, you’ll have batches of delicious Baby Yoda cookies ready to serve in no time.
View this post on InstagramA post shared by Katy (@atakturk) on Dec 11, 2019 at 11:02pm PST