Here is what you are most looking forward to, and dreading, about the RNC | Opinion

Even before Saturday's tragic event, most readers who responded to our questionnaire about their mood heading into the Republican National Convention described themselves as "totally" or "slightly" dreading the event, which officially kicks off today.

The prospect of nominating Donald Trump as the Republican candidate for president and for protests to turn violent are the main things readers are not looking forward to. Even so, the convention is a major moment for Milwaukee as it hosts 50,000 visitors over four days, even with the tone dramatically altered by the shooting at the Trump rally Saturday.

Here is a sampling of the responses from about 50 readers:

  • "I hope our city comes out in a very positive light!" — Mike from Milwaukee.

  • "Republicans at the federal and state levels have shown time and again that that for them, Milwaukee is an afterthought at best and view it as a 'horrible city.' The city of Milwaukee is about its people, something that the GOP cares nothing about." — Michael from Milwaukee.

  • "I will be capitalizing on the economic opportunity instead of subscribing to any side of politics." — Dan from Milwaukee.

  • "We’re leaving town. Worried about the turmoil. Event displays the chasms in our society and political system." — Lin from Milwaukee.

Economic boost of Republican National Convention may be $200 million

Boosters of the event, including Milwaukee's mayor and county executive (both Democrats), who lobbied hard to bring Republicans here, said the economic impact (estimated at $200 million) and opportunity to raise the city's profile following the disappointment over the cancelation of the DNC in 2020, make it a game changer for the city.

Several readers said that should make any disruptions or congestion worthwhile:

  • "I hope Milwaukee shines and local businesses get the economic boost they deserve for putting up with (Trump) and his followers." — Gwen from Wauwatosa.

  • "Just focus on what this convention can do for Milwaukee economically." — Jeff from Iron Ridge.

  • "I am happy for the economic impact this may have on local businesses and vendors. I am disgusted by the comments that 45 made about MKE being a “horrible” city." — Sara from Milwaukee.

Still, many are skeptical about the full economic impact given the expenses local governments will incur throughout the convention:

  • "I love that this was going to be a huge economic boost, but after the city repairs everything their supporters destroy, I believe it's going to ruin the city and even bankrupt us." — Joel from Milwaukee.

  • "I want to know if there actually were positive economic impacts. The truth about it and not the kind of spin I see too often in the Journal Sentinel. It doesn't sound promising, and if it's a major failure, Republicans and the Democrats who approved the RNC should be accountable for it." — Michael from Milwaukee.

  • "Be sure to follow up on what the financial impact was, pro and con. And once again, the homeless must be made invisible. What is the Republican plan for homelessness? Will Republicans ever bother to return to such a Democratic city with so many people of color?" — Sue from Milwaukee.

Potential for civil unrest and protests turning violent worries many

The areas where protestors are allowed and the protective measures inside the secure RNC zone have been big points of contention.

Readers react to Trump rally shooting: Terrible. Sadness. Scared for this country. Disbelief this is happening again.

A published list of excluded items in the security zone included numerous common household items, but guns will be allowed due to state law. This was noted by several respondents:

  • "Ever since Milwaukee was in the running to host the RNC, I was afraid of disruption and violence from Donald Trump's followers. I think the Journal Sentinel should explore and pointedly ask RNC officials and Republican politicians while they're in Milwaukee why they so enthusiastically support and fall lockstep behind Donald Trump —a convicted felon who tried to instigated a coup to overthrow the United States government on January 6, 2021." — SMJ from Cudahy.

  • "How many locals are leaving town (I am heading out on a nice long road trip) or avoiding downtown completely?" — Debbie from Wauwatosa.

  • "I hope the visitors can be respectful and that we can still roam our city." — Tina from Milwaukee.

Just the numbers from 49 responses to our RNC questionnaire

What best describes your mood ahead of the Republican National Convention starting Monday?

  • Very excited: 3

  • Somewhat excited: 3

  • Ambivalent: 2

  • Slightly dreading: 8

  • Totally dreading: 33

What makes you most excited about hosting the convention?

  • The economic impact: 10

  • The chance for Milwaukee to raise its global profile: 15

  • Showcasing Wisconsin as a battleground state: 3

  • The energy and enthusiasm delegates bring: 0

  • Nominating Donald Trump for another term: 3

  • Other: 18

What are you dreading about the convention?

  • Traffic and congestion: 2

  • Higher prices as businesses look to capitalize on visitors:  0

  • Politicians criticizing Milwaukee: 1

  • The prospect for protests turning violent: 10

  • Nominating Donald Trump for another term: 23

  • Other: 13

Final thoughts on the start of the RNC convention

Thank you to everyone who responded. Look for other questions throughout the convention. Here are some parting words of wisdom:

  • "It's just Milwaukee's luck that the last convention (DNC) was a no-show, while this one (with Trump and the RNC) will likely be a sh**show." — Curt from West Bend.

  • "Milwaukee is a great city and to showcase our city world wide should be embraced. I hope a few idiots don't ruin it." — Jeff from Iron Ridge.

This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Milwaukeeans are dreading the convention even with big economic boost