Nashville Metro Council was right about Morgan Wallen. He is not the face of our city

Re: "Morgan Wallen is reckless, but Nashville should’ve approved his honky-tonk sign," by The Tennessean Opinion and Engagement Director David Plazas, May 22.

To David Plazas:

I regularly read your opinion articles and agree with you almost every time. But this is the most “reckless” and inconsistent opinion piece written by you that I have ever read. This opinion is unlike you and makes no sense.

The Metro Council simply did something that No.1 his business partners, No. 2 his friends, No. 3 his fans, and No. 4 Plazas refuse to do.

Can you imagine if an NFL or College football player fired a gun (or threw a chair) into a crowded room (or Lower Broadway)? What would his team and endorsement partners do?

No doubt he would be suspended for a substantial number of games, ordered to seek psychiatric help, and his name would be removed from the endorsed products for some period of time.

How about an employee of The Tennessean, or state government, the Metro Nashville Police Department, or any bar on Lower Broadway? My goodness, David, they would all be fired immediately. What are you thinking?

Stop giving Morgan Wallen a hard time. He's not perfect, but he's talented and giving back

This Bar honky-tonk owners should have removed Wallen's name

Morgan Wallen shot (threw a chair) at three police officers and other innocent tourists walking on Lower Broadway. Just because he was lucky and his actions did not kill a police officer or a person, many consider it “no harm – no foul."

Morgan Wallen performs during his One Night at a Time Tour concert at Nissan Stadium in Nashville, Tenn., Thursday, May 2, 2024.
Morgan Wallen performs during his One Night at a Time Tour concert at Nissan Stadium in Nashville, Tenn., Thursday, May 2, 2024.

His business partners should suspend opening the bar with his name on it. Shame on them for not voluntarily removing Wallen’s name from signage until he serves his time and seeks help.

His Nissan Stadium concerts should have been cancelled.  He should be dropped from his record label. This spoiled brat needs help and until he gets it, people should cancel him.

This is the “Trump effect” on our society, I guess. Even you are confused and numb to his completely unacceptable behavior.

Stop deifying Morgan Wallen and excusing downtown Nashville’s excesses

Morgan Wallen is not the image Nashville should want to portray

It’s possible that the Metro Council is violating Wallen’s First Amendment speech rights, but I doubt honky-tonk bar signage was a protection priority of the Founding Fathers. But who cares if it comes back to bite them? The Metro Council did the right thing and tried to send a message.

Nashville's council rejected a proposed sign for country star Morgan Wallen's new Broadway bar on May 21, 2024, citing Wallen's previous conduct on Broadway and a 2021 recording of Wallen using a racial slur.
Nashville's council rejected a proposed sign for country star Morgan Wallen's new Broadway bar on May 21, 2024, citing Wallen's previous conduct on Broadway and a 2021 recording of Wallen using a racial slur.

Enough is enough and it is time we tell Mr. Wallen his name is not the image Nashville’s wants to portray.

You should rethink this illogical opinion piece and compliment the Metro Council for censoring a reckless “lucky” would-be cop-killer.

Instead of slamming Metro, you should have criticized the owners of This Bar owners for their reckless request to put the Wallen name in lights and Mr. Wallen’s record label / concert partners for their “business as usual” conduct.

Any violation of Mr. Wallen’s rights by the Metro Council pale in comparison to his violation of the rights of police officers to walk safely on our streets. Shame on you for criticizing the only sane voice in this whole situation.

Robert A. Davidson, Nashville 37212

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This article originally appeared on Nashville Tennessean: Morgan Wallen should be cancelled. Nashville Metro Council was right