A national effort: Apollo 11 moon landing was made possible by 400,000 workers
When President John F. Kennedy challenged the country to land humans on the moon before the end of the 1960s, a willing nation didn’t disappoint.
Less than six months shy of the end of the decade, a virtual army of 400,000 workers did what had seemed impossible.
With four simple words by Neil Armstrong, “The Eagle has landed,” a nation’s determination came to fruition as humans touched down on the surface of the moon on July 20, 1969.
While the stories of the Apollo 11 crew of Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins were written into the history books, what shouldn’t be forgotten are the stories of the 400,000 workers who made the moon landing possible.
“Failure was not an option here,” said Charlie Mars, 82, a NASA power and sequential system engineer during the Apollo era. “We were glad to be a part of it."
The Space Race
The space race ratcheted up in 1957 when Russia successfully sent Sputnik 1 into orbit, making it Earth’s first artificial satellite. Russia further outdid the U.S. when cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first human to leave Earth's atmosphere on April 12, 1961.
Three weeks later, on May 5, the U.S. launched Alan Shepard into space on a 150-mile suborbital flight.
Meanwhile, President Kennedy had consulted with Vice President Lyndon Johnson and NASA director James Webb on how the United States could wrestle space superiority away from Russia. Putting men on the moon was the way to do it, they decided. So, on May 25, 1961, Kennedy stood before Congress to make his plea for funding to send humans to the moon.
A year later, on Sept. 12, 1962, Kennedy went in front of the nation to drum up support by giving his famed speech at Rice University in Houston. On that day, he gave the country a national goal.
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“We choose to go to the Moon! We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win,” he told a crowd of 40,000 at Rice University.
‘A daunting prospect”
Workers in the country’s fledgling space program were concerned about the time frame.
John Tribe, who worked on Atlas rockets after coming to the U.S. from England in 1960, was stunned by the president’s challenge.
“We were frequently back in those days watching vehicles blow up. About every third vehicle didn’t make it,” Tribe said. “And now we’re talking about building this immense new rocket at this time that we didn’t even know what it would look like. Put three men on top of it and send it to the moon. We didn’t even know how to do it, we didn’t know whether we’d do lunar orbit, or earth orbit, or multiple launches, we didn’t have a launch site. It was a daunting prospect to think we’re going to do this in nine years.”
NASA saw its budget swell, from $401 million in 1960 to $5.9 billion at its peak in 1966.
This led to the construction of the massive Vehicle Assembly Building, starting in 1962.
Theodis Ray, 76, who grew up the son of a fisherman just across the river from where the space center would blossom, helped lay the foundation.
“From the ground up, it’s all concrete and steel,” Ray said. “Sixty foot of that is underground, all steel and concrete.”
When it was completed in 1966, it was one of the largest buildings, by volume, on the planet.
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"To see a building of that size and that capacity and that intention, I don’t remember even comprehending the hugeness of the whole thing,” said Hazel Banks, 71, a NASA clerk who started on the program in 1965.
The Vehicle Assembly building had to be big. It had to house a giant rocket capable of taking three astronauts and a moon lander roughly 239,000 miles.
Lee Solid, the Rockwell vice president of the Florida Space Systems division, was impressed as the team started to receive equipment.
“You could see sketches and pictures and even photographs of testing elements ... but you had to see it to really realize we are dealing with massive stuff,” Solid said.
Anthony Vespa, 81, worked in New York for Grumman, the company awarded the Lunar Excursion Module contract.
He was on the team tasked with ensuring the windows on the moon lander would stand up to whatever elements space had to offer.
“There were a lot of doubts and a lot of problems along the way,” Vespa said. “It’s really a wonder. We were all worried. Everything we tested. Will the window be OK if you worked on the window? Or worked on the landing pad. Will it not tumble over when it lands on the moon? There was a lot of doubt, but it was 100% success.”
Bumps in the road
The nights in the late 60s were grueling for the workers.
“Everybody was required to work at least 56 hours a week,” Vespa said. “If you didn’t do it, you had to get a note. From the doctor, somebody’s dying, you’re going to school for your Master’s. It had to be a good note. That’s how strict they were.”
The program's long hours and intense workload also caused problems for the families of the workers.
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“The wives, the families took the brunt of it,” Mars said. ”It was very obvious, not just causing divorce, but being alone a lot of the time. And there were times we just didn’t come home. Spend the night. Sleep on a desk. Have a pillow somewhere where maybe you could find a couch.”
The program moved ahead.
But then on Nov. 22, 1963, just 14 months after making his iconic moon speech, President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas.
“He was a popular guy,” Solid said. “Whatever party you belonged to, you liked John Kennedy. You especially liked him for supporting something as massive and important as the Apollo program.”
The nation's determination to make Kennedy's challenge a reality was again tested when disaster struck the crew of Apollo 1 on Jan. 27, 1967.
Astronauts Gus Grissom, Ed White and Roger Chaffee were killed when a fire broke out inside the capsule while it sat on the launch pad for testing.
“Immediately afterward there were a lot of people saying, ‘Why don’t we just turn off this whole moon program. We’re killing people,’” recalls propulsion engineer John Tribe, 83, the last person to speak to Grissom over the radio before the disaster. “The attitude of the astronauts and the attitude of the program management was such that we were going to fix this program and go on. We were trying to go faster than we were capable of doing at that time. We were just stepping over ourselves trying to go too fast and we just needed to slow down, take a breath, look at what we were doing, be safer, more cautious, and we chose to do that.”
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Launch day
On July 16, 1969, the time came for America to complete the goal set out by President Kennedy, to become first to send humans to the moon.
It was estimated that a million people came to the Space Coast to watch the 9:32 a.m. launch.
As launch time neared, Tribe had an important briefing to give before the astronauts could be loaded into the capsule.
“We’d briefed Armstrong, Collins and Aldrin,” Tribe said. “Each of the system specialists, and I was one of them at the time, we had to talk about the idiosyncrasies in our system and I’d gone over there and met with the guys and we’d talked about that. You’re looking at a guy that was going to walk on the moon. That was special.”
Soon Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins were strapped into the Apollo capsule that sat high atop the Saturn V rocket, ready to take their place in history.
The launch was spectacular. Once the engines ignited, the 363-foot tall rocket seemingly sat on the launch pad as flames erupted from the massive thrusters.
It took 9 seconds before the hold-down arms released the rocket so it could ascend.
“That 9 seconds was like an eternity,” Solid said. “You want that thing to lift off. It’s cranking away. It’s making this incredible noise. You really want to see that movement. You’re antsy. That’s an emotional moment when those engines start and it seems like it’s boiling there forever. It slowly starts moving. You’re 'go, go go!'"
Even after the rocket left the pad, Banks knew the hardest part was still to come.
“It was almost like after liftoff, well, that’s just one part,” Banks said. “Then you get into orbit. And then you get to the moon. And then you orbit. After each stage, it was a bit of relief.”
‘The Eagle has landed'
It took more than four days from launch, but on July 20, 1969, at 4:17 p.m., Neil Armstrong spoke these historic words from the surface of the moon: “Houston, Tranquility base here. The Eagle has landed.”
It was something Mars and his colleagues relished.
“The actual landing on the moon, us guys at Kennedy could hear the command channel, couldn’t talk, weren’t supposed to, but I remember my boss and the guys on both command service module as well as lunar module, we‘re all in a room, we’re all listening to coming down and we just held our breath … then touchdown,” Mars recalled. “One of the experiences in life that you will never forget and you will never have enough words to express.”
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More than six hours later, at 10:56 p.m., Armstrong stepped out of the Eagle lander, speaking these words as he touched the surface of the moon: “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”
Bob Freeman, an engineering tech on the second stage of the Saturn V, gave one of the green lights for the Saturn V launch. Four days later, he watched the moon landing at home.
“I recall watching it all on television, black and white, and that the transmission was awful,” Freeman said. “It almost looked like a double ghost image, some of it.”
The entire world watched in amazement, but the support crew wasn’t quite ready to celebrate.
“I wasn’t excited yet because we had to take off,” said Vespa, the Grumman lunar lander tester. “There was no excitement. I was still worried. The ascent stage was still there and the guys didn’t take off yet. Will it work? What’s going to happen?"
Aldrin joined Armstrong on the moon’s surface about 20 minutes after the first step.
The duo collected samples and conducted experiments.
They planted a specially designed U.S. flag on the lunar surface, in clear view of the TV camera.
All the while, the third member of the team, Collins, was orbiting about 70 miles above the surface of the moon in the command module Columbia.
As they wrapped up their time on the moon, Armstrong and Aldrin left a plaque on the surface that read: “Here men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the Moon, July 1969 A.D. We came in peace for all mankind.”
After returning to the capsule, Armstrong and Aldrin slept for about seven hours before leaving the moon and heading back to the mother ship piloted by Collins. They spent roughly 21 hours on the moon, with about 135 minutes outside the capsule.
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Time to head home
When it was time to lift off from the lunar surface, the Capcom, Charles Duke, gave the team the green light.
Duke: “You’re cleared for takeoff.”
Aldrin: “We’re No. 1 on the runway.”
Vespa, who had been anxious even after Armstrong and Aldrin reached the moon, could now celebrate.
“Oh, it was fantastic. We didn’t do any work at all for like a week,” Vespa said. “We were groups and groups of people, we were just celebrating, we’re not working 13 hours tonight. It was just a big thing off our shoulders.”
The crew returned to Earth with a splashdown in the Pacific Ocean at 12:51 p.m. Eastern Time on July 24.
The mission lasted 8 days, 3 hours, 18 minutes, 35 seconds.
“To put those three brave astronauts on top of this incredibly powerful rocket and knowing their safety was our responsibility, and that we put them in orbit, we brought them back safely, with a total team effort, from design concept, to test and launch and execution, was amazing,” Freeman said. “It truly was winning the big game.”
This article originally appeared on Florida Today: Apollo 11 moon landing 50th anniversary: Mission employed 400,000
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