‘There is no alternative’: Democrats forcing vote to strip Marjorie Taylor Greene of committee assignments


House Democrats are moving ahead with a resolution on Wednesday to strip Georgia Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene of her committee assignments after it became apparent House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy would not do so on his own.

Ms Taylor Greene — the first member of Congress who has openly supported the QAnon conspiracy theory that Democrats and other elites are part of a Satan-worshipping, cannibalistic ring of pedophiles — has a years-long history of espousing discredited conspiracy theories, endorsing violence against Democratic politicians on social media, and making bigoted remarks.

“I spoke to Leader McCarthy this morning, and it is clear there is no alternative to holding a Floor vote on the resolution to remove Rep. Greene from her committee assignments. The Rules Committee will meet this afternoon, and the House will vote on the resolution tomorrow,” House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, Democrat of Maryland, said in a statement on Wednesday.

Mr McCarthy, the top Republican in the House, had been leaning towards booting Ms Greene from the Education and Labor Committee — but not the Budget Committee — after meeting with the congresswoman on Tuesday.

After that hours-long meeting with Ms Greene, McCarthy then convened with members of the House GOP Steering Committee, which is responsible for doling out committee assignments to members of the Republican conference. The Steering Committee reportedly did not reach a decision on what to do with Ms Greene as of Tuesday.