Ohio is so backwards. Curiosity has flown out the window.
Why is Ohio so backwards?
How did we get here? How did Ohio become such a backward thinking state?
Watching committee hearings on "The Ohio Channel" I was able to hear and see a committee member actually ask for scientific proof of climate change.
My concern is with Ohio as a state with any number of universities and Ohio State University just blocks away, we voted in people too lazy or backward to get firsthand information.
Now I hope and pray. Donald Trump has destroyed the Ohio I knew.
The same can be said for the carbon capture and trans student laws.
Are none of these people curious enough about life to ask an expert or visit a research lab?
The country is full of labs who are not pawns of industry.
If you are not educated, go ask. Anyone can ask questions. But don't just believe the one who makes you feel good.
Jim Clark, Worthington
Why should I pay for your education?
President Joe Biden's recommendation to eliminate student debt sounds like a great idea, especially if you are a college student with debt.
It is funny how all these years no one thought, "hey, why should we have to pay for our college education?" Not until Biden ran for office and felt this might be a good way to win an election.
College is not free.
What to know: Biden's latest student-loan forgiveness plan brings questions for borrowers.
The professors need to get paid; the costs of maintaining the programs and buildings do not come cheap.
If we eliminate student debt how will we be able to keep our colleges going with no income?
Oh, that's right, the federal government will subsidize everything. Wrong!
The only way the government subsidizes is by taxing.
Now why would I want to pay for someone else's education when I have already paid for mine and my children?
Think about it.
Bary Alan Leeman, Bexley
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No longer proud to be a Buckeye
After Columbia, Yale and, recently, Harvard’s stand against pro-Palestinian protesters camping on campus grounds and University of Southern California's racist stand to rescind the well-earned valedictorian address by Asna Tabassum, comes Ohio State University president’s threat and warning to the would-be protesters in his backyard.
Like the administrators of USC and Ivy League colleges, he, too, is using the dog whistle of ‘campus safety and security’ concern.
OSU "Will not compromise.' Ohio State president on safety as campuses face Gaza war protests
Do these protesters usually come armed, intent on vandalizing the school property, hurting and harming university personnel or campus police?
They only wish to highlight the plight of people in Gaza. Thanks to the total complicity of the Biden administration in Israel’s war with Hamas, so far more than 34,000 people have been killed, two-thirds of whom are children and women.
Through its president’s letter, Ohio State has chosen to join other schools trying to muzzle the voices on the campus against the genocide in Gaza. It mirrors the attitude of mainstream American media, which have chosen to shun pro-Palestinian guests but have no qualms in welcoming pro-Israelis who shamelessly drum the justification of carnage in Gaza.
I was proud to be part of OSU (1991-1994) and that two of my three children are Ohio State alums.
Not anymore.
Shame on OSU and its president for taking anti-student and anti-free speech stand behind pathetic and flimsy garb of safety and security. This is the antithesis of an educational entity in a free world.
Abdul-Majeed Azad, Columbus
Patriotism, loyalty to America key
Our politicians say our immigration problem requires comprehensive legislation.
History proves that we had an immigration process that would significantly reduce current border invasion and the anti-American sentiment that is so prevalent.
More: My generation is being raised to hate America — it’s time to stand up for our history
The requirements for entry, immigration, and naturalization in effect from 1795-1956 required a “declarant” to pledge under oath to renounce all allegiance to any foreign governments and become a loyal U.S. citizen.
This was known as a declaration of intention. The declaration of intention was eliminated in 1956.
In addition, residence required for citizenship went from two years to five years and required ". . . three years before admission as citizens, to uphold, support and defend the Constitution, to bear arms as required by law against all enemies, foreign and domestic." This was known as the Oath of Allegiance.
There are more than 10 million people living illegally in our country who have never executed a Declaration of Intention or pledged an Oath of Allegiance.
Patriotism and loyalty to America and its founding ideals has been waning as the number of people seeking to enter the United States illegally continues to rise.
Kent Johnson, Columbus
This article originally appeared on The Columbus Dispatch: Ohio among most backwards stare in nation. Curiosity not a factor.
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