Opinion/Letters: More scrutiny of Middletown finances needed
Tiverton Wastewater District board members needed
The Tiverton Wastewater District (TWWD) was created by enabling legislation nearly 10 years ago with an important mission: to safeguard public health, protect and improve ground and surface water resources by implementing efficient and effective wastewater management within the Tiverton Wastewater District in Tiverton.
Since that time, we’ve made great strides bringing critical sewer infrastructure within the District: Our Phase One project within the Robert Gray and Riverside Drive neighborhoods is nearly complete, installing just under 3 miles of new sewer lines, several new pump stations, and connecting nearly 850 customers. Planning for our next phase is starting now and will be connecting new customers to sewer service. When new customers are connected to sewer services it lessens the number of septic systems and cesspools in the town of Tiverton.
As we begin this new chapter, the need for strong leadership and helpful hands within our Board of Directors is as critical as ever. To enable that, the District is actively seeking to fill three seats on its Board with qualified individuals residing within Tiverton. Experience with finance, marketing communications, project management, engineering, and/or environmental management is of particular interest to help the District through the next phases of our growth.
Those interested in taking the next step are encouraged to download and complete our Board of Directors Application Form, which can be found within the About Us > Board Vacancies page of our website (www.TWWD.org). It contains more details on the expectations and requirements of Board members. Any immediate questions about serving on our Board of Directors can be sent to info@TWWD.org.
Leroy Kendricks, chairman TWWD Board of Directors
Supporting cannabis for dogs and cats
My name is Susan Richardson and I am the driving force behind Rhode Island House Bill 5504. This legislation is sponsored by R.I. Reps. Pat Serpa, Charlene Lima, Julie Casimiro and Deborah Fellela. If it passes, veterinarians in R.I. would be able to legally write medical cannabis prescriptions for dogs and cats suffering from debilitating health conditions such as cancer, epilepsy, arthritis and pain. Many pet owners have seen the incredible benefits of cannabis on their own sick pets, myself included.
We are looking for a R.I. veterinarian willing to look at the research and consider supporting this legislation.
If you are a R.I. veterinarian or know of one who is willing to speak with us and look at our research, please email me at : susansativa44@gmail.com or contact one of the representatives sponsoring the bill.
This law would be the first of its kind in the country, creating new jobs and bringing major revenue to Rhode Island. It’s also a chance for our small state to make history once again for being progressive and compassionate!
Susan Richardson, Portsmouth
More scrutiny of Middletown finances needed
Over 18 months ago, the Middletown School Department overspent its authorized budget by over $1 million. R.I. law required that they notify town and state officials but the school administration and committee tried to keep it from the public in executive session; they thought it was around $300,000. It took the department about 4 months to figure out it was greater than $1 million, and they spent money to defend their actions. Officials say that a draft of a recent town audit shows that some of the million over expenditure may have been for special education. Middletown special education activities frequently raise questions.
During the 18 months the Middletown Council appropriately transferred management of the school department budget from school operations to the town’s finance department; they voted no confidence in the school department; and ordered an investigation audit. The audit hasn’t happened. Middletown fixed the school department's surprise bill to the taxpayers by adjusting accounts with Covid federal and local funds.
Middletown is about to ask its voters to approve a $190M bond for school construction. Middletown citizens and bond lenders need confidence in the town’s ethical governance, and that the school department's $1 million over-expenditure was not because of thoughtless or careless management or inefficient or ineffective practices; and disregard for rules, regulations, and laws.
Perhaps it is time for the R.I. Legislature to create an independent Inspector General to help R.I. cities and towns resolve these kinds of problems.
Paul Mankofsky, Middletown
This article originally appeared on Newport Daily News: More scrutiny of Middletown finances needed: Letters