How about Oprah? There are better celebs to represent us than Jeffrey Dahmer. | Letters

(Editor's Note: The list was derived through an analysis of Wikipedia pageview data over the last five years to approximate public interest in each individual.)

I feel like the paper dropped the ball for Milwaukee by naming Jeffrey Dahmer our most famous resident (“Actors, athletes, criminals and spies,” March 10).

How about Gene Wilder, Herb Kohl, Liberace or William Harley and Arthur Davidson? Golda Meir could have been a choice. She wasn’t born here but had lived here. Same with Oprah Winfrey who says she’s from Milwaukee since she grew up here.

Any of these people would have been a better choice than Dahmer.

Phillip Torsrud, Milwaukee

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This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Killer Jeffrey Dahmer should not be Milwaukee's most famous resident