Resistance Report: A prescription for ‘Trump-induced anxiety disorder,’ straight from Hollywood screenshot (Yahoo News) screenshot (Yahoo News)

TRUMP-INDUCED ANXIETY DISORDER. In 2003, columnist Charles Krauthammer accused liberals of having “Bush Derangement Syndrome,” which he described as the “acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency — nay — the very existence of George W. Bush.” Now Democrats have “Trump-induced anxiety disorder,” according to writer and director Sam Friedlander, who worked on the dishy summer medical drama “Royal Pains,” about concierge doctors in the Hamptons. And he’s released a parody ad for a new medication to relieve these intense psychological symptoms, which some liberals have been experiencing since the election.

“Do you find yourself feeling depressed? Hopeless? Having trouble sleeping? Struggling with frequent panic attacks? Irritability? Constant arguments with family, friends or even friends of friends on Facebook? Yelling at your phone or computer screen? And the constant urge to pull out your hair?” asks a soothing voice-over on the spot, as a man with a mustache calls people names on social media.

“Impeachara may help!” chirps the ad, which suggests the imaginary medication will allow liberals to function normally again by creating the illusion Trump has “already been impeached.”

GUIDED TO TENNESSEE. President Trump is heading to Nashville on Wednesday, and the Southern Democrats have announced a protest will follow him there.

They also plan to protest outside his visit to Freedom Hall in Louisville, Ky., on March 20.

The protests following Trump since his election have spread to include the travels of Vice President Mike Pence as well, as in this anti-Pence rally in Louisville over the weekend, reports the Courier-Journal’s Joe Gerth.

DISTRICT DISRUPTIONS. MoveOn has announced two days of actions outside the district offices of nine U.S. senators and 23 of the more vulnerable members of the House of Representatives — all Republicans. The “Stakeouts to Save Our Health Care” commence at 7:30 a.m. on Thursday, and unlike the town hall protests of the first congressional district work period, they don’t depend on the representative in question being there. The effort is part of a suite of actions in response to the House Republicans’ Obamacare-repeal bill that the Congressional Budget Office has said would cause 24 million people to lose insurance over the next decade, as well as the upcoming March 23 anniversary of the signing of the Affordable Care Act by President Obama in 2010.

“I CAN’T KEEP QUIET.” The song that went viral after the Women’s March on Washington, becoming the anthem of the day and the movement, continues to be performed across the globe. On Sunday, the American Civil Liberties Union featured the musician behind the phenomenon, MILCK, at its Miami activist training streamed live online to small groups across the country. And on International Women’s Day, it was performed live in a square in G?teborg, Sweden, in a “S?ngmanifestation” by hundreds of women wearing pink knit “pussy hats” as the snow fell. It’s perhaps the most powerful rendition of the song since the original a cappella performance in Washington, D.C., was captured on Jan. 21. More than 1,315,809 people have watched the G?teborg performance on Facebook over the past week.

There was also a “flash mob” performance of the song in Central Station in Stockholm, Sweden, that day.

(Click here for the six-minute version, if you’re into that kind of thing.)

It’s extraordinary to see the music and craftivist hat designs that began in the United States just a few months ago taking this kind of international hold — though, to be fair, culture is one of America’s most significant export industries — especially as U.S. Women’s March organizers on the same day abandoned their homegrown look and wore red in solidarity with a global women’s general strike called overseas.