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  • U.S.
    Yahoo News

    The things they kept: 9/11 survivors and family members open up about the mementos that helped them heal

    From a hand-sewn pillow to a chunk of concrete, people whose lives were forever by the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks discuss the artifacts and objects that they’ve preserved to remember those who were lost.

  • News
    Rachel Bertsche

    How Children of 9/11 Turn Tragedy Into Inspiration

    “We do a lot of work with young people in order to not have 9/11 define or limit them, but to provide a platform for growth and a vision for their future,” Terry Sears, executive director of Tuesday’s Children, an organization founded to promote the healing of those directly affected by the attacks, tells Yahoo Parenting. “We focus a lot on our career resource center, so these young people are not limited in any way by how they’ve been defined in public.” STORY:?Late Dad Makes Stunning Appearan

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