Resistance Report

  • Politics
    Yahoo News Photo Staff

    How the world mocks Trump in protest art

    Americans aren’t the only ones with strong feelings about President Trump. Protest art and other depictions have cropped up in countries like Indonesia, Serbia, France and Japan, mocking and belittling the U.S. leader.

  • Politics
    Yahoo News Photo Staff

    Demonstrations over reinstatement of President Trump’s travel ban

    We have photos from L.A. and New York of protests, welcome signs at airports for arriving immigrants, and the like as new travel restrictions take effect.

  • News
    Yahoo News

    Sit-ins, marches and rallies as activists around the country fight Republican health care bill

    Disability rights activists have now spent two nights in Sen. Cory Gardner’s Denver office, where they are holding a sit-in to protest the Better Care Reconciliation Act, which would cut $772 million from Medicaid by 2026. The members of the Colorado branch of the national disability-rights organization ADAPT?arrived Tuesday and have been camping out on inflatable pool toys. “Cory Gardner, we will check out as soon as you commit a No vote,” they said online.

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    Yahoo News

    Three weeks in July: Opposition groups gear up for next phase of health care fight

    The longer the bill is out for the public to see,?the better the odds of rallying support to halt it, progressives believe.

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    Yahoo News

    Donald Trump is on track to break his promises on Medicaid. It may not be a ‘read my lips’ moment.

    Bush went against his party in raising taxes, spurring outrage among conservatives -- especially an ambitious House member from Georgia's Sixth District named Newt Gingrich -- while Trump's position finally puts him in sync with his own party.

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    Yahoo News

    Democratic obstruction: Is it working?

    As the White House complains about Democratic obstruction in Congress, the left considers whether the tactic will carry them through the next election cycle.

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    Yahoo News

    All eyes on Kansas in first congressional election of Trump era

    The Kansas race has suddenly drawn national interest as a potential test of whether the anti-Trump organizing campaigns can move voters to the polls.

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    Yahoo News

    Jon Ossoff pulls in record fundraising haul as House special elections heat up

    One race in Georgia has gained national attention, one has unexpectedly tightened, and one could yet catch fire with national Democrats.

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    Yahoo News

    Ted Cruz makes the ‘Missing’ list as activists demand a town hall

    Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, listens during the March 20, 2017, confirmation hearing for Supreme Court justice nominee Neil Gorsuch. TED CRUZ MAKES THE ‘MISSING’ LIST. The ongoing national campaign of hanging up “Missing” posters for members of Congress who are not holding town hall meetings hit Texas in March, as the local Indivisible chapter and other groups put up posters with his face around Houston.

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    Yahoo News

    Devin Nunes returns home to protests over his Trump ties

    Republican Devin Nunes, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, represents Fresno and the agricultural Central Valley of California, a district he won over his Democratic challenger in 2016 by a whopping 36 percentage points. “Embattled Republican congressman Devin Nunes was met by about 300 angry protesters when he returned to his California district on Friday for a speaking engagement,” reported ABC News.

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    Yahoo News

    By the numbers: How activists organized to save Obamacare

    Protesters gather across the Chicago River from Trump Tower last Friday to rally against the repeal of the Affordable Care Act. With the American Health Care Act apparently in the rearview mirror and the Affordable Care Act the law of the land for the foreseeable future, progressive and activist groups that helped fight the GOP Obamacare repeal effort are tallying up their contributions to the fight and reporting in. Five of the groups are responsible for facilitating more than 389,000 calls t

  • News
    Yahoo News

    EMILY’s List: An unprecedented 10,000 women have told us they want to run for office, thanks to Trump

    EMILY’s List announced Wednesday that more than 10,000 women have reached out to the group since Hillary Clinton lost the presidential election to say they want to run for office, a record number in such a short time for the group. “Over ten thousand women isn’t a ripple — it’s a wave,” said EMILY’s List president Stephanie Schriock in a statement.

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    Yahoo News

    Ex-Clinton staffer: 8,000 millennial Democrats have told our new group they want to run for office

    On Election Day 2016, people vote at a polling place set up at the Kenter Canyon Elementary School in Los Angeles. A postelection political action committee founded by the email director of the Hillary Clinton campaign to encourage millennial Democrats to run for state and local offices reports that more than 8,000 people have taken the first step toward becoming candidates. Contacted by Yahoo News, Run for Something founder Amanda Litman explained what she thought was behind that astonishing

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    Yahoo News

    Irish prime minister to Trump: St. Patrick 'was an immigrant'

    ‘THE SHELTER OF AMERICA.’ Irish Taoiseach Enda Kenny‘s remarks Thursday at the White House gained new attention the next day, St. Patrick’s Day, as a clip from the United Kingdom’s public service station Channel 4 showed him defending United States’ historic role as a beacon for immigrants seeking refuge.

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    Yahoo News

    Rachel Maddow had Trump's 2005 tax returns. The April 15 Tax March wants all of them.

    Rachel Maddow and David Cay Johnston may have had “Trump tax returns” Tuesday night, as her Twitter feed announced, but they didn’t have the Trump tax returns. No one has seen those — the full itemized forms that list sources of income — and President Trump and his 2016 campaign surrogates have offered a conflicting and bewildering array of reasons for not disclosing them. Against this backdrop, a determined group of activists has vowed to amp up the pressure for their release and has spent th

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