Tennessee Voices, Episode 98: Lisa Sherman-Luna, Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition

The journey of immigrants and refugees to the United States is often fraught with peril and challenges.

Rebuilding one's life and livelihood while learning a new language and culture, and navigating a foreign system, isn't easy. Moreover, becoming political pawns in debates over border security and refugee resettlement creates greater stress because of how it dehumanizes men, women and children.

COVID-19 has further intensified this angst as immigrants and refugees — often working in jobs at meatpacking plants, domestic work, construction and other "essential" jobs — are particularly vulnerable to infection.

Lisa Sherman-Luna, the new executive director of the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC), told me on this episode of the Tennessee Voices podcast that immigrants and refugees have been left out of key discussions concerning coronavirus relief.

Lisa Sherman-Luna
Lisa Sherman-Luna

TIRRC is assisting with the immediate needs and is continuing to develop a supportive community.

The organization also has a separate political action group called TIRRC Votes to advocate for policies beneficial to immigrants and refugees.

Over the last several years, the Tennessee General Assembly has sought to end refugee resettlement and created redundant anti-"sanctuary city" legislation.

In addition, immigrants became a political pawn during the 2018 midterm election in political ads that claimed that marauding caravans were coming to "invade" the U.S.

Sherman-Luna said she and her colleagues have worked to create personal connections with leaders across the state to let them get to know their clients' stories and hopefully gain empathy and support.

Addendum: One of the topics discussed in this podcast episode was the Tennessee General Assembly's lawsuit against the federal government to seek effectively to end refugee resettlement in the state. On Tuesday, Oct. 13, the U.S. Supreme Court denied the state's request for the case to be heard before the high court. Lower federal courts had dismissed the case.

Related Op-Ed: Tennesseans need care and relief for all, including immigrants

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David Plazas is the director of opinion and engagement for the USA TODAY Network -  Tennessee and an editorial board member of The Tennessean. Tweet to him at @davidplazas

This article originally appeared on Nashville Tennessean: Tennessee Voices: Lisa Sherman-Luna, TIRRC