thedepressedaroace:Hey guys! I just wanted to share a quick tip on how to get free e-books during...
Hey guys! I just wanted to share a quick tip on how to get free e-books during quarantine in the US since a lot of people don’t know it’s a thing.
Basically there’s this thing called Libby which is a mobile app and a website. Libby is just a giant online library, and as far as I know, it’s connected to every library in the US. You can open it up, put in the location for your local library, then choose the right one. After that you can put in the same library information that you would use in person so it’s connected to your library account. You might have to put in a code that’s specific to your library, but you can get that code by emailing your library. We’ll gladly give out the code to anyone who asks. Now you have access to a bunch of e-books. I’m not sure if there are audio books on here but I think so.
Libby works the same as a normal library, where the app buys a bunch of licenses to books, and then rents them out for free for a short period of time. This time period may vary depending on your library. If all the licenses for the books are checked out, you can just be put on a waiting list and you can read it as soon as someone else finishes it. This is entirely free because there aren’t late fees. The book will automatically be taken if it’s due, but can be renewed so don’t worry about not finishing it.
I really hope this works for y’all because it’s a safe easy way to get e-books for free. I don’t know if others contries have this or something similar to it, and I don’t know if this will work for every library, but as far as I know, it does. Feel free to dm me of you have any questions or need help with part of it!
This information is librarian approved. By me. I’m the librarian that approved this.
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