Trump called Milwaukee 'horrible.' What a dig at those preparing for RNC. | Letters

I have lived in Milwaukee since 1976, worked in the city until I retired in 2009, and have grown to love it (“Trump: Milwaukee ‘horrible,’” May 14).

I think Milwaukee has so much to offer people who live here and those who visit for work or a vacation getaway.

When I first heard about former President Donald Trump's remarks I was angry, but then I realized it doesn't matter. I know Milwaukee and all it has to offer in terms of hospitality.

What's truly 'horrible.' Democrats should use billboards to spotlight votes on women's rights

Trump conspired to con Americans. He is being held accountable under the law.

So many people have worked very hard to prepare for the Republican National Convention in July. People who love this city have been involved in months of planning, organizing and doing everything they can to make the experience of attending the convention an outstanding success.

So hats off to all those folks and the hotel and restaurant workers, the people who work at the various venues, the museums and other attractions. Thanks for making Milwaukee a jewel to visit and enjoy!

Susan Swearingen, Milwaukee

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This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Hats off to people preparing to welcome Republican National Convention