Trump on Giuliani: 'Rudy is Rudy'

President Trump told reporters on Friday that he is “not going to disagree” with personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani after he called Stormy Daniels’ credibility into question because she’s a porn star.

Giuliani said on Wednesday that he doesn’t respect Daniels, who is alleging that Trump had an affair with her in 2006, because she “sells her body for sexual exploitation.”

He has made a string of remarks this past week, speaking of the first lady, Robert Mueller and North Korea. He said the North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un, got “on his hands and knees and begged” for Trump to continue with the meeting after he initially cancelled it.

Rudy Giuliani and Donald Trump (Photos: Alex Wong/Getty Images, Nicholas Kamm/AFP/Getty Images)
Rudy Giuliani and Donald Trump (Photos: Alex Wong/Getty Images, Nicholas Kamm/AFP/Getty Images)

When Trump was asked about the comments Giuliani has made during the past week, the president defended Giuliani’s comments and job.

“Look, Rudy’s great, but Rudy is Rudy,” Trump said. “But Rudy is doing a very good job, actually. He’s doing a very good [job].”

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Thursday that Giuliani does not speak for the administration on North Korea.

Giuliani spoke of First Lady Melania Trump on Wednesday, and the allegations Daniels has made about her relationship with the president.

“She believes her husband, and she doesn’t think it’s true,” the former New York City mayor told the audience at the Globes Capital Market conference in Tel Aviv.

In response, Melania’s spokeswoman said “I don’t believe Mrs. Trump has ever discussed her thoughts on anything with Mr. Giuliani.”

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