Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort to be site of Trumpettes fan club gala on Super Bowl weekend

Political events are filling former President Donald Trump's busy social season in Palm Beach, a calendar already laden with 2024 primary dates and court appearances.

The Trumpettes fan club said last week that it is planning a large gala at Mar-a-Lago for Super Bowl weekend (Feb. 10-11). Toni Holt Kramer, a Trumpettes co-founder and member of the Palm Beach club, said the theme of the event will be "Putting on the Glitz" and will feature an as-of-yet-not-revealed celebrity.

"It's going to be magnificent," Kramer said.

The last Trumpettes gala took place in early February 2020 just before the pandemic. Trump and Gov. Ron DeSantis appeared together at that function. The year before, in 2019, the Trumpettes' gala honored Oscar-winning actor Jon Voight, father of actress Angelina Jolie.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis speaks to guests at The Trumpettes Red, White and Blue Celebration at Mar-a-Lago on Feb. 1, 2020.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis speaks to guests at The Trumpettes Red, White and Blue Celebration at Mar-a-Lago on Feb. 1, 2020.

In 2020, TV star Roseanne Barr was scheduled to attend but did not. Barr, however, was present when Trump spoke at a Club 47 USA gathering in West Palm Beach on Oct. 11.

Next month, the Republican Party of Florida has a gala scheduled for Nov. 9 at Mar-a-Lago. That event will take place the evening after the Republican National Committee hosts its third GOP presidential debate, this one in Miami.

Trump has said he will not attend any debates and has called on the RNC to cancel them.

Primary schedule kicks off Jan. 15 with Iowa caucuses two months ahead of Florida primary

Republicans in Iowa will caucus on Jan. 15, kicking off the 2024 primary schedule.

The caucuses will be followed by the New Hampshire and South Carolina primaries. The New Hampshire GOP primary is set for Feb. 11; South Carolina is Feb. 24.

The first major slate of bundled primaries takes place March 5 with Super Tuesday. Almost two dozen states are involved, including Alabama, Alaska, California, Colorado, Massachusetts and Minnesota. The Florida primary takes place two weeks later on March 19.

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Court dates abound, too, including a federal one in Florida

Throughout 2023, Trump has racked up scores of felony charges in four separate indictments, including one federal case filed in Florida.

The first one of those cases is scheduled to be heard in Washington, D.C., on March 4. Trump is also scheduled to stand trial on the classified documents case on May 20 in Fort Pierce, although that court date may well be pushed back.

Trump's business empire also is the focus of a case in New York state court. In fact, Trump returned to the courtroom in Manhattan on Tuesday and seethed on social media as he did so, writing that "our legal system is corrupt and broken!"

Antonio Fins is a politics and business editor at The Palm Beach Post, part of the USA TODAY Florida Network. You can reach him at [email protected]Help support our journalism. Subscribe today.

This article originally appeared on Palm Beach Post: Trump at Mar-a-Lago will have a busy winter with politics, court cases