UK wants UN to say pregnant 'people' instead of 'women'

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From Digital Spy

The UK Government has suggested the UN use the phrase 'pregnant people' instead of 'pregnant women', in order to avoid excluding the transgender community.

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office has asked for the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights – which the UK has been a signatory of since 1976 – to have its terminology for those who are pregnant amended, reports the Telegraph, so that "transgender people who have given birth" are included.

An FCO spokesman told the Sunday Times: "The UK does not object to the use of the term 'pregnant woman'. We strongly support the right to life of pregnant women, and we have requested that the Human Rights Committee does not exclude pregnant transgender people from that right to life."

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Photo credit: undefined

Currently, the UN treaty says a 'pregnant woman' must be protected in various ways, including not being subject to the death penalty.

Responding to the news, feminist write Sarah Ditum told The Times: "Having a female body and knowing what that means for reproduction doesn't make you 'exclusionary'. Forcing us to decorously scrub out any reference to our sex on pain of being called bigots is an insult."

The Sun reports the chair of female Labour MPs, Jess Phillips, said of the move: "Who is asking for this? I've never met a trans person who doesn't like terms like 'pregnant woman'. It seems like nonsense to suggest otherwise."

Others agree that reports have incorrectly implied that trans community demands have something to do with the FCO's request, opening trans people up to abuse.

Writer Shon Faye tweeted: "Thing about the absurd manufactured outrage over 'pregnant people' is that its a discussion which genuinely doesnt concern trans women. It genuinely isnt something that involves us. Yet I have never ever seen an anti-trans article on the topic which doesn't drag us in.

"'We hear a lot more about the trans women than the trans men. Funny that' is a common dogwhistle. Maybe you hear a lot more about trans women because MISOGYNY drives you to keep bringing us up even when its not relevant."

Author and journalist Juno Dawson commented similarly on the topic, responding to a tweet from Alison Moyet which read: "I don't believe trans women have anymore an objection to the term 'pregnant women' than those of us no longer fertile. Stop setting them up."

Dawson wrote: "Thank you, Alison. Have literally never heard a trans man or woman use the term and nor do I give two shits. Shit stirring tabloid guff."

Dawson added on Instagram: "Every day at the moment there's a lurid tabloid story about trans or non-binary people.

"These journalists. Their mums must be so proud. Trans lives are human lives. These lives are often difficult. Living within a system which mocks, discriminates and very much 'others' us leaves us vulnerable to assault, homelessness and mental illness.

"We are not transpeople, we are trans and people.This has to stop. People are getting hurt."

A spokesman for Prime Minister Theresa May said of the matter that "nobody in Government is objecting to the term pregnant women", clarifying that the FCO's suggestion related to "one specific case" (via The Telegraph).

Asked about May's view, they said: "Of course pregnant women is an acceptable term."

Earlier this year, Conservative MP Philip Davies argued the British Medical Association's advice to staff not to refer to 'expectant mothers', as it could be offensive, was "completely ridiculous".

"Is this what we've come to as a great nation, that we're paying civil servants to come up with this kind of drivel? Has the Foreign Office got nothing else to worry about?

"I defy anyone to go out on the streets and find anyone offended by the term 'pregnant woman'."

The news comes two weeks after the Office for National Statistics revealed it wanted to make declaring gender in the next census voluntary because it discriminates against trans people.

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