'Welcome Future Fake Electors' sign posted in Penzeys Spices downtown location

As Republicans from around the country descend for a week, the owner of Penzeys Spices is sharing what for regular customers has become his well-known mixture of liberal politics and biting humor with a sign at the downtown location that reads: "Welcome Future Fake Electors."

The sign went up Friday, and workers said Saturday there had only been one person upset about it so far. They also said that about 10 days earlier, someone spray painted "Trump" on one of their windows, and they have had trouble getting the paint off.

Penzey’s Spices has a “Welcome Future Fake Electors” sign in its downtown store ahead of the 2024 Republican National Convention on in Milwaukee.
Penzey’s Spices has a “Welcome Future Fake Electors” sign in its downtown store ahead of the 2024 Republican National Convention on in Milwaukee.

After the 2020 election, several states, including Wisconsin, put together groups of fake electors intended to substitute for actual electors during the electoral count on Jan. 6, 2021. The idea was to keep Donald Trump in power, even though there has never been evidence to indicate he won or that any results were incorrect.

More: Wisconsin AG Josh Kaul charges former Trump associates in fake elector scheme

More: Here are the 10 people who participated in Wisconsin's fake elector scheme in 2020

Penzeys Spices CEO Bill Penzey is not shy about his politics and how he feels about the Republican Party. The company offers a "January 6 Box" of spices with one mixture called "Justice" and another called "Outrage." Penzeys also has a section on its website entitled "About Republicans"

"Watching the slow decline of the Republican Party over the last half century, and the steep decline/bottom falling out over the last decade, it can be easy to see the nonsense that has overtaken the party as pretty much random," says an essay on the section, signed "Bill." "The Republican departure from conservative values and embrace of what, from a distance, looks a whole lot like insanity didn’t happen by chance. All of it has been intelligently crafted with the goal of preserving the position of those who profit from the inhumanity that is at the very roots of pretty much every problem we are facing."

"Trump" was spray painted on the window of the downtown Milwaukee Penzeys Spices store.
"Trump" was spray painted on the window of the downtown Milwaukee Penzeys Spices store.

The essay closes with Penzey saying: "We can and will work without Republicans to solve the problems we face, but it sure would be nice to get back to a time where Republicans were equal defenders of equality, the environment, and democracy. We look forward to that day."

This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Penzeys Spices posts ‘Welcome Future Fake Electors' sign for RNC