Where does Tolleson Mayor Juan Rodriguez stand on economic development, growth?

Current Tolleson Mayor Juan Rodriguez will be running unopposed in the city’s upcoming mayoral election.

Rodriguez was first elected to Tolleson City Council in 2005. He was elected mayor in 2020. He has worked for the city of Phoenix’s Parks and Recreation Department since 1998 and is currently a parks supervisor.

Early voting began on July 3. Those who want to participate in the election must register at https://servicearizona.com/ by July 1. Voters can also check their status or request a mail-in ballot on Maricopa County’s website at https://elections.maricopa.gov/voting/voter-dashboard-login. Those who choose to vote by mail are advised to mail their ballot by July 23 or drop it off at a ballot drop-off location or voting location by July 30.

The Arizona Republic sent Rodriguez a number of questions about various city and state issues. Here’s how he responded.

Arizona election: For more, read our full election coverage of the Tolleson City Council race

Vision: Why are you running for Tolleson mayor?

Why are you running for mayor of Tolleson? If elected, what will your first priority be?

Rodriguez: “I’m running for mayor of the city of Tolleson because I believe in our community's ability to dictate our own future. We are a community of hard working, smart people that are invested in improving the future for our kids and we work as a team to achieve this goal. I want to be a member of this critical team that helps in the development of the future tone of our city. My first priority will be to finish the construction of our first ever full-service aquatic facility and improve the condition of our water infrastructure to assure high quality and safe water availability for generations to come.” 

Taxing and spending: Where does the Tolleson mayor stand?

New state policies will affect city budgets. If faced with a deficit, will you support raising taxes to maintain city services or cutting programs? Which specific services and/or taxes would you consider first and why?

Rodriguez: “We as a city have been very proactive when it comes to developing creative ways in which to create new revenues.  In general, I do not support increasing taxes and we have worked hard to make sure that our financial vitality is well secured, to avoid us from having to raise any taxes. We do our best to not allow the state legislature policies or any other level of government to negatively impact our revenues and will continue to do so.”

Poverty: What does Mayor Rodriguez propose to help the city's poor?

What, specifically, should the city do first to help low-income people in the city? 

Rodriguez: “First we need to find ways to empower them by helping them find secure employment. Also create a wraparound approach to services for low-income families that pits them on the road to financial and personal success. Lastly, we need to continue to develop strong relationships with other agencies such as fellow cities, nonprofits, private business, school districts, etc. to benefit our Tolleson families."

Arizona election 2024: Here's everything to know bout registering and voting

Economy: What does Mayor Rodriguez propose to spur economic growth?

Tolleson is 90 to 95% built out.  What is your top priority for generating economic development?

Rodriguez: “Diversity in shopping options.  Over the last 4 years we have brought in Freddys, Starbucks, Dutch bros, McDonald’s, 2 new QTS, Volvo Truck sales and we have another group of 5 businesses in the permitting process.  These have 2 things in common, 1 they provide shopping options top our residents and 2 they are sales tax generators to our local economy.  I would strongly encourage everyone to please shop Tolleson!!!!  Lastly, we are continuing to look for a grocery store and hope to land one within the next 4 years to build on 91st and Van Buren.”

Inspiration: Who shapes Mayor Rodriguez's thinking?

Who in public life, past or present, do you admire most? Why? And what lesson do you draw from that person’s experience?

Rodriguez: “My grandparents who migrated to this country to provide my parents a better future as they also worked hard to provide a better future for us.  It is their courage that has allowed me and my entire family to live a life of prosperity and service. The greatest lesson they taught us is a strong work ethic, service to our community and humility as human being. I am forever grateful for those lifelong lessons that have molded me into the man I am today. Muchas Gracias Nana and Tata.”

Election integrity: Does Mayor Rodriguez think elections are run properly?

Do you think Arizona elections are fairly run? Do you trust the results? Will you abide by them? Why or why not?

Rodriguez: “Yes, I believe they are very fair. Yes, I absolutely trust the results, primarily because I have seen no real proof to make me think otherwise. Of course I will abide by them, it is our system that has proven to be effective for a very long time and has allowed the voice of all Arizona’s voters to be heard. We owe our system some loyalty regardless of those that make up lies for their own self-interest.” 

Reach the reporter at ahardle@gannett.com or by phone at 480-259-8545. Follow her on X, formerly Twitter: @AlexandraHardle.

This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: Tolleson mayoral election 2024: Mayor Rodriguez's priorities