Zone is about the mayor's arrogance. It is not fair to Columbus property owners.
Zone In shows Ginther's arrogance
I am stunned by the arrogance of Mayor Andrew Ginther’s Zone In proposal.
Rezoning thousands of properties in Columbus without notification to the property owners may be legal, but it is not fair.
It is not fair to the owners of those properties. It is not fair to the neighborhoods surrounding those properties. And it is not fair to those property owners outside the chosen corridors who may have something to offer the affordable housing shortage.
The mayor and his enablers need to step back and consider their constituents — people who live here, work here, and care about the fabric of the city.
Opinion: Columbus must remain affordable. Zone in key to city's future.
Opinion: Columbus is being gentrified at an alarming rate. Zone In could make it worse.
We have lived here for decades. We have cared about this city.
This arrogance must stop.
Elizabeth Clark, Columbus
We must say 'no' to Donald Trump's nonsense
Recently Donald Trump upset his evangelical base by promising never to sign legislation banning abortion. Hoping to win back the good graces of these folks, he is now endorsing the requirement to post the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms.
Aside from this idea being blatantly unconstitutional, it is discriminatory against a large number of religions currently practiced in the United States.
And what’s so special about these commandments anyway? In the biblical books of Exodus, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy, there are over 600 laws listed that have equal weight. Shouldn’t they all be posted and enforced?
More: Donald Trump addresses Christian group that wants abortion completely 'eradicated'
And if we’re going to post the Ten Commandments, shouldn’t we also post the biblical punishments for disobeying them? Are evangelicals really going to stone an unrepentant Donald Trump to death for having adultery multiple times?
Is this really a path we want to go down as a country – to create our own version of Taliban-style Sharia Law?
The November election is the time for rational Americans to say no to Donald Trump and the un-American nonsense he is courting.
Tom Baillieul, Columbus
Hard questions need to be asked
According to USA Today writer Karissa Waddick, second-term Rep. Jamaal Bowman lost his New York Primary June 25.
Waddick went on to say the Israel-Hamas war was a prominent topic in the race, given Bowman's criticism of Israel's approach to the war and calls for a cease-fire.
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a pro-Israel lobbying group, spent millions of dollars in the race against Bowman.
Hopefully this "committee" is not funded by the Israeli government because the "millions of dollars" spent looks like a foreign government interfering with an American election.
Some hard questions need to be asked.
Peter Molnar, Columbus
This article originally appeared on The Columbus Dispatch: Unfair Zone In shows Columbus mayor's arrogance