Tips to to Stay Motivated This Week

Anyone else feel the Monday blues?

Tips to to Stay Motivated This Week

Anyone else feel the Monday blues? The weekend was too short and already looking forward to Friday. That’s me right about now. Here at BBG we put together some tips for you to stay motivated this week.

  1. Make a list of tasks and prioritize from beginning to end. Research shows creating lists can cut down on anxiety, give structure to the day, week, and month. ??Bonus: it gives you a plan of action you can stick to. When you’re creating to-do lists, set miniature goals for yourself, checking them off will give you a sense of accomplishment.

  2. Find an accountability buddy. Accountability partners should do just what their title says, hold you accountable. It’s an added plus if the relationship works two-ways where you both may be going through a similar experience and can benefit from check-ins and goal setting. ??Bonus: Ask this Buddy to give you tough love when you are falling behind on your tasks.

  3. Schedule time for short mental breaks, walks or meditation. Taking a break helps to avoid burnout, stress and actually helps in productivity. Meditating is one of the most effective ways to lower stress, it involves clearing your mind of all thoughts and focusing on your surroundings. In the post pandemic world, employers across the globe have realized addressing mental health is crucial to their business practices and people. ??Bonus: Look into your employee resources, many understand the importance of mental health and provide access to programs that help combat stress and burnout has become a requirement not a perk to sustain their workforce.

  4. Create a morning routine. Following a routine helps you get through the “I don't feel like it” phase. Consistency is key. It helps to establish priorities and keep track of your goals. ??Bonus: Following a daily routine will limit procrastination, help you keep track of goals, and even make you healthier.