Chris Hayes
- EntertainmentYahoo TV
Stephen Colbert mocks Josh Hawley for running from the mob on Jan. 6 after raising fist in solidarity
“Look at him go!” Colbert exclaimed, before replaying the video of Hawley fleeing from rioters, over the audio of Scooby Doo taking off running.
- PoliticsYahoo TV
Tucker Carlson gets called out by Alexander Vindman for 'fanboying over authoritarianism'
Carlson defended Russia’s aggressive stance toward Ukraine following months of praising Hungary’s authoritarian government.
- HealthYahoo Entertainment
Why Chris Hayes claims Omicron is 'one of the weirdest' moments of the pandemic
On Wednesday, the MSNBC host explained why he believes Omicron's contagiousness is changing the pandemic normal.
- U.S.Yahoo Entertainment
Chris Hayes challenges Tucker Carlson to resign over Fox News's vaccine mandate
Chris Hayes highlights the hypocrisy of Fox News hosts praising people who have protested vaccine mandates while the hosts say nothing about Fox's strict vaccine policy.
- U.S.Yahoo TV
Chris Hayes slams Fox News hosts for anti-vaccine mandate stance while Fox News has vaccine mandate
Hayes all but dared Fox News hosts to take the same stance against their own employer's vaccine mandate as they have with others.
- PoliticsYahoo TV
Chris Hayes calls Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson 'cowards' for giving in to anti-vax rhetoric
“They're just chasing after the base, they're chasing the base. They're not leading. They're not telling them things they don't want to hear.”
- PoliticsYahoo TV
Elizabeth Warren claims Trump is 'flirting with treason' and that Republicans are 'a party to it'
Elizabeth Warren railed against Trump for his remarks about skirting the election, and Republicans for enabling his actions.
- PoliticsYahoo TV
MSNBC's Chris Hayes warns of a coup after Trump says he wants to 'get rid of ballots'
After Trump refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power if he loses the election, Hayes had a dire warning for the American people.
- EntertainmentYahoo Entertainment
Tucker Carlson claims writer who resigned over racist/sexist posts has 'paid a heavy price'
Carlson condemned his former writer’s online comments but seemed to defend him against detractors, while at the same time on MSNBC, Chris Hayes lambasted Carlson.
- HealthYahoo Entertainment
Chris Hayes rips Tucker Carlson for urging people to get back to work while 'broadcasting in safe isolation'
Chris Hayes believes that if Tucker Carlson wants others to risk their health to go back to work, he should be willing to do the same.
- PoliticsYahoo Entertainment
Elizabeth Warren slams Mitch McConnell for handling of coronavirus aid bill: 'Absolutely irresponsible'
Warren took issue with McConnell delaying the passage of the bipartisan coronavirus relief bill passed by the House.
- EntertainmentYahoo Entertainment
CNN receives backlash after asking Ellen DeGeneres-inspired question while ignoring important issues
Viewers of the Democratic debate overwhelmingly agreed that the question based on Ellen and George W. Bush's friendship was a waste of time.
- EntertainmentYahoo Entertainment
MSNBC's Chris Hayes praises Ronan Farrow while taking a shot at NBC
Chris Hayes heaped praise on Ronan Farrow while criticizing NBC's handling of his former colleague's infamous story exposing Harvey Weinstein.
- EntertainmentYahoo TV
Hannity and Ingraham skip the pleasantries following Tuesday's awkward exchange
MSNBC's Rachel Maddow and Chris Hayes mocked Fox News's Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham's passive-aggressive exchange from Tuesday, while Hannity kept Wednesday's handoff with Ingraham brief.
- PoliticsYahoo TV
Bernie Sanders assures fossil fuel workers his Green New Deal will protect their jobs
Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders explains why his $16.3 trillion climate change plan benefits the working class.