At Fenty x Puma, Rihanna's Mom Says She's Met Drake

Rihanna and her Fenty X Puma gang at the Hotel Salomon de Rothschild in Paris. Photo: Getty Images
Rihanna served serious Marie Antoinette vibes Wednesday as her Fenty x Puma collection took over the Hotel de Rothschild in Paris. Crystal chandeliers, marble floors, and an overflowing stash of pink champagne greeted guests.

Above, an evening gown made from the same fabric used for soccer uniforms.
Photo: Courtesy of Fenty x Puma
As Kanye’s design team grabbed gilded front row seats, sweatshirt-corsets and Puma-stamped netted veils took center stage, along with a pretty ingenious evening gown made from soccer uniform fabric.
The music was Rihanna’s greatest hits, as played by a classical symphony. And the guest of honor? The queen mother, a.k.a. Monica Braithwhite, a.k.a Rihanna’s mom, who sat front row center.
Here’s the lowdown from (literally) the mother of all pop goddesses.

Yahoo Style: You’re wearing some of the runway pieces, aren’t you?
Yes and I especially like the boots. They’re very nice and they look good with a lot of different styles. Also they’re comfortable. I’m glad she didn’t forget about that.
Has Rihanna always been into design?
She gets the design [talent] from her father but she’s always loved fashion… She would make clothes for her dolls when she was very small.
What advice would you give other mothers with a creative child?
To encourage. It’s about encouragement. Be supportive of their imagination and dreams. Rihanna always talks about how she wants to inspire people to believe in their dreams, to work hard and be original. That’s what this is all about for her…. Everyone won’t always believe [in you], but you always have to believe in yourself… and that’s what I hope other parents do with their children.
Last question, but it’s not about fashion. Is Drake a nice boy?
That’s not a question for me! That’s a question for Rihanna. Or no, not even her. That’s a question for Drake! Why would you ask me that at a fashion show?
I know. I’m sorry. It’s my job to ask questions. Plus I’m dying to know.
[laughing] Actually he’s a nice boy. I’ve met him and I think yes. But it’s not a question for me!
Yahoo Style is live from Paris Fashion Week! Keep it here for your front row view of the best looks and buzziest moments.