If Your Halloween Costume is on This List, Sorry but You’re Basic

Beyoncé’s Frida Kahlo costume makes the list of 2015′s most-wanted Halloween costumes. Photo: Instagram/@beyonce.
Confused normal people are milling around thrift stores, and the Blockbuster Video that’s sat abandoned since 2011 has undergone its yearly transformation into a Party City: It must be Halloween! And truly, nothing is sadder than feeling all proud of your Imperator Furiosa costume, only to show up to a party where 50 other people are sporting foreheads full of black grease paint. To avoid this blunder, you must choose your costume carefully.
A good start? Making sure you don’t choose any of the costumes from the list below. Today pulled data on the year’s most popular Halloween costume searches from Polyvore, eBay, and Pinterest, and created a master list of what not to wear that includes the following:
Minions, unicorns, evil queens, cats, vampires, nuns, cheerleaders, superheroes, French maids, Frida Kahlo, and anything related to Star Wars, Addams Family, Harry Potter, or Spider-Man.
Sorry — we know you were really looking forward to draping yourself in a shawl, drawing in a unibrow and going as your zomgfaveartiste Frida, but everyone’s done it, and then Beyoncé did it: It’s done.

Sorry, couples: “Anchorman” costumes top this year’s most-wanted list too. Photo: Courtesy of Party City.
For couples, don’t even think about doing Anchorman’s Ron Burgundy and Veronica Corningstone, Pikachu and Ash, Mr. Owl and Tootsie Pop (really?), Forrest Gump and Jenny (in 2015?), a Double Stuf Oreo (how do you even?), or Elliot and Gertie from E.T.
You’re probably feeling pretty bereft right now, but don’t worry. We’re here to help. The road out of Basic-ville begins here. You can always use that Jedi knight costume as a bathrobe.
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