Ivanka Trump Wears $138 Sheath Dress to Introduce Her Father

Introducing her father, Donald J. Trump, before he accepted the Republican Party’s nomination for the presidency, Ivanka Trump — mainstay alongside her dad on the campaign trail, owner and CEO of a namesake fashion line, executive vice president of the Trump Organization, and co-star of her father’s reality show The Apprentice — gave arguably the best speech of the entire Republican National Convention and did so while also subtly promoting her own business.
Wearing a sleeveless, light pink dress (which, it should be noted, is imported) from her collection retailing for $138, the older Trump daughter — the candidate’s only daughter with his first wife, former model Ivana Trump — made a direct appeal to not only millennial voters who may not feel strong party affiliations but also other young working mothers such as herself, promising that should her father become president, closing the gender pay gap and increasing child care accessibility would be legislative priorities of his administration. “As a mother myself, of three young children, I know how hard it is to work while raising a family,” she said to the crowd in Cleveland. “And I also know that I’m far more fortunate than most. American families need relief. Policies that allow women with children to thrive should not be novelties, they should be the norm.”
Wearing a look of her own design while making such a speech certainly affirmed the point of her speech: Ivanka is a mother-cum-scion in her own right.

Her fashion choices throughout the convention have included a mix of looks from both her own line and other designers, presenting timeless, classic style throughout. She wore another look from her own collection when she joined her siblings as part of the delegation from New York, casting votes to officially make their father the candidate. At a campaign event in Cleveland earlier in the week, she opted for a floral Dolce & Gabbana skirt and (Devil Wears Prada–esque) cerulean blue sweater. On Thursday night, before taking the stage, she wore another one of her own dresses, a white sleeveless floral sheath retailing for $158. This choice was perhaps a subtle nod to the color scheme seemingly preferred by her stepmother Melania, who appeared in white when she addressed convention-goers Monday night and then again to watch her husband accept the nomination later in the week.
And not only have all the Trump children lined up with unwavering unity behind their father’s candidacy, each addressing the convention at various points throughout the week, but apparently all the women in the Trump family have been wearing shoes from Ivanka’s line all week as well.
Well-heeled, indeed.
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