Kim Kardashian and Cara Delevingne Are the Next Dynamic Duo

Introducing the latest dynamic duo: Kim Kardashian and Cara Delevingne. As if the two don’t already command the most power within the fashion industry, the “It” girls are apparently working on a “secret project” together, according to Kardashian’s Instagram. Dig a little deeper and you’ll find that Britain’s “Love Magazine” is the party’s third member – editor Katie Grand confirmed it with the same picture and caption: “Fun day out with @caradelevingne @kimkardashian @thelovemagazine.” By the looks of the photo, which captures Kardashian and Delevingne cheek-to-cheek in simple black tanks, rocking shaggy, moist locks (or dare we say it – wet-dog hair!), the two are posing for a magazine shoot. We can’t wait for the reveal. Move over Kimye – Kimra, Cim, or whatever you want to call this pair, is the next big thing.