Kourtney Kardashian Is Being Mom Shamed for Letting Her 4-Year-Old Wear a Lip Ring

Photo: AKM-GSI
Kourtney Kardashian and daughter Penelope. (Photo: AKM-GSI)

First it was makeup, then it was hair extensions — and now it’s lip rings. Yes, these are the beauty and fashion products the Kardashian moms let their toddlers use. Oldest sister Kourtney’s 4-year-old daughter was pictured wearing the facial accessory in a recent Instagram, a trend that Kim Kardashian has been promoting as of late.

Kourtney shared a photo of her and Penelope Disick cuddled up in bed on Monday, and while the image was sweet, the reaction was sour, thanks to the small piece of jewelry attached to Penelope’s lower lip.

Our Oscar Sunday. Yes, that's a lip ring. Thanks @kimkardashian

A post shared by Kourtney Kardashian (@kourtneykardash) on Feb 27, 2017 at 11:04am PST

“Our Oscar Sunday,” the mother of three began the caption, indicating that the girls stayed in for the night — Kourtney’s white robe and lack of makeup saying it all. “Yes, that’s a lip ring. Thanks @kimkardashian,” Kourtney confirmed of Penelope’s accoutrement, indicating that it was a gift from her lip-ring obsessed aunt. The upfront caption seems to say that Kourtney doesn’t care if the public wants to judge her for letting her daughter wear a lip ring.

However, that didn’t stop followers from lashing out. “She is a little girl why rushing her to grow up by putting on a lip ring? ??” wrote one commenter. “A child shouldn’t have that. Period,” said another.

So what’s really going on here? The answer seems to be magnets. Remember magnetic earrings? They were a hit in the ’90s, allowing youngins’ to rock piercings wherever they wanted without committing to the hole or having to ask their parents’ permission. And, many parents probably did the purchasing, happy to appease their child who actually wanted a real nose ring. So is a child wearing a lip ring any surprise? Not really…kiddos have been wearing fake earrings forever. However…maybe not as young as four. But then again, no one complains when a toddler gets a fake tattoo at a birthday party.

Some people were concerned it was real, however if it’s anything like Kim’s, which we think is fake since it goes on and off all the time, it’s probably not.

Believe it or not, most of the commenters were supporting and defending Kourtney. “Even if it is real it’s not your place to tell her how to raise HER child so chill,” wrote one follower. Others called the image of the pair “cute,” “beautiful,” and “sweet.”

One person is putting things into perspective: “All negative commenters need to get a flipping life I swear. Did any of you play dress up with makeup and heels at that age? No different.” Another commenter had a similar message, but with a much more hilarious delivery: “Give it a rest and pay attention to your own kids…who are probably in the kitchen eating soap pods.”

Real or not, what do you think of Kourtney letting her young daughter experiment with edgy jewelry?

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