Madonna Tells Dolce & Gabbana To "Think Before You Speak"

Photo: Getty

Madonna has had a busy few days. She’s performing on Ellen everyday this week (entertaining guests like Justin Bieber) while also promoting her 13th studio album Rebel Heart, which has already reached top billing on the Billboard 200. So we understand why she may be a little late to chime into the whole Dolce & Gabbana kerfuffle involving their stance on “non-traditional” (read: gay) families and children that were conceived via IVF.

Their comments, published in Italy’s Panorama magazine, insinuated that IVF produces “children of chemistry, synthetic children. Uteruses for rent, semen chosen from a catalog.”

Elton John, who had two sons via IVF, was among the first to respond, calling for a boycott of Dolce & Gabbana products. “How dare you refer to my beautiful children as ‘synthetic,’” John wrote on his Instagram. “And shame on you for wagging your judgmental little fingers at IVF—a miracle that has allowed legions of loving people, both straight and gay, to fulfill their dream of having children…” Courtney Love, Ricky Martin, Victoria Beckham, and Sharon Stone were among those who also expressed their outrage via social media.



But up until now, Madge has been mum on the topic. We’ve been curious to know her thoughts. She who is #LivingForLove and also a mother of four children (two of whom are adopted). Turns out her response is what we hoped it would be. On Thursday night, she posted a photo of herself on Instagram lying on a bed with an adorable baby from a Fall 2010 Dolce & Gabbana campaign, shot by Steven Klein. The accompanying caption reads: “All babies contain a soul however they come to this earth and their families. There is nothing synthetic about a soul!! So how can we dismiss IVF and surrogacy? Every soul comes to us to teach us a lesson. God has his hand in everything even technology! We are arrogant to think Man does anything on his own. As above so below! Think before you speak.?????,??#livingforlove”

That kicker of a line, “think before you speak,” will probably set the Italian design duo off again. They’ve already conducted at least two interviews denouncing John for his comments and Gabbana has really been pumping up the rhetoric on his Instagram. (Side note: without social media, this whole story would have ended days ago.) She may be a little late to chime in, but at least Madonna is staying true. No one can label her as a wallflower when it comes to matters of the (rebel) heart. 

Related: Elton John Seen With a Dolce & Gabbana Shopping Bag After Designers Label Him a “Fascist”

Related: Babies Take Center Stage at Dolce & Gabbana’s Tribute to Mamas