This Is How Taylor Swift Dumped Calvin Harris According to 1 "Well Placed Source"

From Cosmopolitan

One day after publishing steamy photos of Taylor Swift "snogging" with her rumored new boyfriend Tom Hiddleston, The Sun has revealed its account of exactly what went down in the weeks leading to Hiddleswift. According to the British tabloid, weeks after Taylor and Tom met during the week of the Met Gala in New York City (which included a pre-gala dinner at Anna Wintour's house), Taylor pulled the plug on her relationship with Calvin Harris. To top it off, one source tells The Sun that Taylor did it by phone (yes, the student has become the master, etc.…) while Calvin was recovering from that car accident. There's also this from what The Sun calls "a well-placed source":

Things had not been right between Calvin and Taylor for some time. She met Tom and was swept off her feet. He made it very clear how interested in her he was. They swapped numbers and got chatting. After Taylor ended things with Calvin, he sent her flowers and they agreed to meet up.

Before anyone jumps to conclusions, the source cautions that "nothing happened before things were officially over with Calvin, but let's just say Taylor was hardly broken hearted." Oh. Man.

Anyway, as with all things not coming directly from a celebrity or subject's mouth, do take all of this gently and with the finest grain of salt. Remember, another source told E! just a few weeks ago, when you were all recovering from the end of Tayvin, that Calvin was the one who ended things and not the other way around. And even though it's since been deleted, remember that time Calvin tweeted about how "the only truth here is that a relationship came to an end & what remains is a huge amount of love and respect?" Remember how Taylor even retweeted it? What a difference two whole weeks make!

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