Rough Edge EDC: Leatherman Micra packs wallop in small size
EL PASO, Texas (KTSM) – If you regularly read this space, you know I am big on the Leatherman Micra.
I carry it as part as part of my key organizer, so it automatically goes out the door when I do.
In fact, the Micra and I go back nearly 30 years.
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You might say it was the OG before there was even a thing known as EDC.
The Micra first hit the market back in 1996. And it wasn’t long after that, that I picked up my first Micra.
I was living and working in the Four Corners area of New Mexico. On the weekend, I would be out camping and fishing almost anytime I could.
The Micra certainly was the perfect companion for any camping or fishing trip – lightweight, but tough and versatile.
For the uninitiated, the Micra is Leatherman’s most popular mini-multitoool.
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It is also scissors-based, instead of having its main tool be pliers.
The Mirca is just 2.5 inches long when closed and 4.2 inches when open.
Besides the scissors, it has a small stainless steel knife, three different screwdrivers, a nail file and nail cleaner, tweezers and a bottle opener. It even has a small ruler/straight edge if you need to draw a straight line or measure something on the fly.
The smallest screwdriver can even be used to eject a SIM card.
For its size, it packs a wallop.
I am now on my third Micra. Mine have seen countless trips to the great outdoors over the years.
Hate to admit it: I’ve lost two of them over the years. But it is one of those tools that you bite the bullet and buy another.
After a decade of covering the Army as a civilian reporter in a previous job, I’m pretty much ruined as far as going camping. After all those days and nights out in the training area at Fort Bliss and places like NTC, sleeping on the ground in a tent has lost its appeal.
Now, my Micra is a handy office companion, especially with its scissors. The small knife and the bottle opener also come in super handy.
Here is what Leatherman has to say about it:
“A hit with anglers, hobbyists and those who appreciate the best spring-action scissors around. In fact, Micra was the first Leatherman multi-tool to have spring-action scissors as a primary feature. Personal care features that fit on your key chain are just part of what makes the Micra truly unique. Ten useful tools are packed into this tiny, lightweight Leatherman.
“Ideal for first-time multi-tool owners, you may wonder how you ever lived without it. Or if you’re a Leatherman fan from way back, you can bring all the functionality you love about full-sized multi-tools to a small, keychain size. Solve problems wherever you go.”
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A side note: I carry mine by using a Nite Ize S-biner to attach the Micra to my Orbitkey organizer. The S-biner allows it to detach quickly from the rest of my keys to allow for easy, unfettered use.
But there are a couple of downsides.
First, you have to open the Micra up to access its tools. None of the tools can be accessed when closed, unlike some of the newer Leatherman models.
Second, it’s the price. It is now listed for $49.95 on the Leatherman website. Frankly, I liked this tool a lot better when it was cheaper.
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I believe I purchased my most recent Micra about two years ago for about $35. I found a brand-new one on eBay and I have been very happy.
Want to give a shoutout to my talented friend and colleague at KTSM 9, photographer Miguel Paredes. He took these awesome photos of my Micra.
Also want to throw some attention to Junkin Genius. They made the hank that is used as the backdrop for those photos that Miggy took.
Here are some links to explore the products mentioned in this column.
Here are some fun, informative YouTube channels that deal with knives, multitools and EDC gear.
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